The best of the series and one of the best games of all time.

It tries to make the Hitman formula work on a story-focused game and it doesn’t really work all too well. The whole game is basically what Agent 47 would be like as a dad.

A game that brought a new experience for superhero games.

My new favourite game, and my first Souls-game. The combat was the stand out of the game, It’s filled with rich, punishing, rewarding and challenging moments, and it flowed with every boss, my favourite has to be Demon of Hatred. Exploration was also done very well, finding and fighting optional bosses to help with your journey was handy a few times. Also the story was amazing, especially the endings, Purification has to be my favourite.

The worst game of the main four Arkham games, but still really good.

Great heist but sadly is not available to finish in stealth.

Protecting the mechanic makes me want to kms

I can play the Yacht Heist 20 times a day and not get bored