i think its my mindset of needing to complete a game, but the 40 hours i put in were pretty miserable. the terrain is a nightmare to explore and it gets pretty damn mindnumbing after a while. i want to pick it up later just to finish the story (which is pretty alright, its no red dead but i find the characters pretty interesting) but i need a break.

maw and johnny have gay sex at the end


idk whats going on but the fishies are cute

this was my first SE game, pretty fun. didnt really have the energy to do the extra stuff though.

holy shiiiiit GOAT fan game

pretty good, held up way better than i expected. once you've played it for a while its an absolute slog to get through since its so repetitive though.

eh... its definately a solid game, for what its trying to do it does it well, just not for me. got boring after about 2 hours