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Talketsu followed razbuten

3 days ago

WAIA finished Moonleap
Moonleap is a very cute puzzle platformer. I was introduced to it by my gf. I didn't end up marking it as completed, because I still cannot find the last two levels and the PC guide was in PTBR (which I am not good enough in yet). Though I imagine atleast one of those levels is locked behind gaining an S mark on every level. Which I also wasn't able to do. But I still had quite a lot of fun! I played Moonleap for around 6 hours and I found them well-spent.

The game is absolutely adorable, it's artstyle reminds me a lot of pico-8 videogames and a bit of kirby due to its softness. The little character animations, sound effects, soft tender music and little bits of idiosyncraticness give it life. In character animations such as the moon character sleeping when you've been AFK for too long. In the sound effects such as the little knocking before you enter a level. (actually that whole bit is an awesome little idea to give a refreshing feel to entering levels!)

The little hidden levels and areas you end up stumbling upon are really fun too and break up the usual structure of the game nicely as well as being rewarding for the player to fuck around in the hub world :). Hell just stumbling upon the whole extra dungeon area is too fun.

One little thing I would have wished for in the menu was an easier way to check my stats so that I could see what I was missing, rather than needing to walk to a specific area close to the end to see it. But it's a little thing.

This game is a little cute adventure! Check it out!

4 days ago

That_Dog followed Taering

4 days ago

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