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Zefie completed Harvestella

2 days ago

Zefie completed No Place Like Home
What really makes this game enjoyable, is the simple feeling of cleaning a place up. Seeing your progress build against what seems, zone after zone, to be such an insurmountable mound of trash. It layers nicely, with drilling each pile opening the area up for exploration, while spreading trash around the ground that it would be very unsatisfying to let lie. It also, would tie in nicely with the environmentalist story if it wasn't so incomprehensible.

Farming never really gets to the point where it feels like anything more than a supplemental mechanic. It's a bit too easy to plop down hundreds of fruit trees and not have to think about money, quite a lot too hard to manage the several rows of preservers, kitchens, chests for crops, chests for seeds, and to run around interacting with all these devices fairly often (for currency that you don't really need) to feel like you're engaging with the systems at scale. By the end of the game I had 45 chests, and I wasn't even trying particularly hard, but even as something as basic as "I would like to know where I'm putting my blueberries" requires that sort of commitment because of the stack sizes, and chest sizes. I'm getting quite tired of chests.

(The best part of exploration was finding an out of bounds area the developers actually put a sign in, pretty cute)
(don't play the challenge mode)

2 days ago

Zefie finished The Beginner's Guide

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I think maybe the impact of a creative work being distorted by an observer was lessened a bit by me trying to remember how to bnuuy for an hour, and getting annoyed by the invisible walls. I'm so clueless about it in source games that I didn't even realize that this is on the portal 2 engine and that source doesn't work like goldsrc at all.

There's a point in the personal narrative where (I'm very stupid) I realized that the events are not just dramatized, but complete fiction, and it sort of reset my investment in the characters, to the point I didn't care about them as much as I had, by the end.

11 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

Zefie completed The Beginner's Guide

This review contains spoilers

I think maybe the impact of a creative work being distorted by an observer was lessened a bit by me trying to remember how to bnuuy for an hour, and getting annoyed by the invisible walls. I'm so clueless about it in source games that I didn't even realize that this is on the portal 2 engine and that source doesn't work like goldsrc at all.

There's a point in the personal narrative where (I'm very stupid) I realized that the events are not just dramatized, but complete fiction, and it sort of reset my investment in the characters, to the point I didn't care about them as much as I had, by the end.

11 days ago

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