17 reviews liked by Zhank

my life will never be the same again. this game has ruined me. cloud and aerith will forever keep changing me, their relationship pierces straight into my heart and soul. the cast is beyond perfection. i couldn't breathe through the tears.

What a rad game.

It’s basically Bayonetta meets a rhythm game meets a good cartoon. There are lots of ways for something like this to go wrong, but it works out super well in the end.

The presentation is phenomenal as the game is vibrant and full of life. Every inch of this game has something to express, whether that’s the characters, environments, music, or combat. It’s ridiculous just how much is packed into this game.

The platforming and level design are really good too. It reminded me of a great Ratchet and Clank game, which is my bar for 3D action platformers like this.

When it comes to combat, I’ll be honest. I really suck at it. But it’s so creative that I was never really frustrated by it. If anything, I just wanted to get better at it. And that’s a sign of a very good combat system.

RIP Tango Gameworks.

I feel like not often do you get a game that feels 100% like a passion project, but that's what this game feels like. The whole world of Hi-Fi Rush just screams life, and all the robots that make up its population all have extremely charming and quirky personalities. I had many moments where it got me laughing out loud. The main spotlight of this game, however, lies with the main cast; each of them is filled with so much charm, and together they grow into a heartwarming family. 

its truly upsetting that the studio behind this game had the outcome that was put upon them and I hope this game has a everlasting impact

truthfully, i finished this game weeks ago, and truthfully i still find myself stunned on what to say.

the final stretch of this game is so absolutely magnificent that so much of my gut wants to rate this a 5/5. the final two chapters, and the post credits scene, are beyond stunning. they encapsulate the story beyond measure, leave me full of love and melancholy and feelings so full i don't know what to do with them.

but my brain knows this is not a 5/5. there are some biiiig flaws to this game that i just can't deny. some, if not most, of the new characters feel a little underdone, their stories rushed or cut off or just not as good as i know they could have been with a longer story. the engine's combat is just not for me, there's only so much ragdolling hilarity before i wish enemies would just sit still whilst i crush them LMAO

some bigger feelings i would have towards this game would realm too into spoilers for this review, but all in all, this and yakuza 5 are, to me, the Ultimate Kiryu Kazuma games. they are so good at dissecting him and showing him to be a man so full of flaws, and a man you just want to be happy. he is so beautiful, and after Y6 i think about him a worrying amount. he used to not be in my top5 yakuza characters and now he's battling it out for number 1. he really did it. i love him. he is the reason my heart screams for this to be 5/5 stars!!! kiryu!!!! !! aaaaaaaaaa!!! !!!! !!!

This game is the pinnacle of the sims. There is nothing better than this game. The Sims 4 WISHES that it was this game. But it's not. Maxis peaked here before the capitalistic overlord EA Games bought them out and the soul in this franchise was lost forever. They just don't do it like this anymore. Where's the charm. Where's the LOVE. Where's the PASSION??? It died with the Sims 2. That's where it went. Eat my entire ass EA.

life is divided into pre utopia shelter and post utopia shelter

Perfecto juego narrativo de puzzles para jugar co-op con alguien <3

Es el primer Castlevania que juego y que maravilla, como no habia jugado esta joyita antes? se siente muy bien de controlar al personaje, la musica es jodidamente increible (el tema de Simon Belmont es de los mejores temas de videojuegos con musica retro que existen) y el diseño de niveles tambien es increible. SCIV No se siente para nada oxidado a dia de hoy, el gameplay es muy fluido y jugandolo me olvide completamente que estaba jugando un videojuego de hace mas de 30 años atras, recomendadisimo.
Me genero mucho hype y expectativas por Rondo Of Blood y Symphony of the Night (que seran los 2 siguientes Castlevania que juegue)

dreams are big, and subtext is for cowards

have you ever wanted to be a taxi driver? what about a bear hunter? what about an idol? what about a guy who has money?? what about a ex baseball pro??? well guess what! with yakuza 5, your dreams (wink) canm come true!!!!!!

yakuza 5 does have some littol flaws that keep it from being a 5/5 for me, such as the encounter rate which made me want to have an encounter with falling off the side of a cliff :3 there's some plot issues but tbh they are not so bad that they bring down the game much, if at all, for me.

the new characters make me ascend higher than the highest highs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! takasugi and shinada 4 lyfe <333333 i think also this game in the series is one of the first to really dig deep into self reflection, and using dreams (wink) to showcase characters flaws and goals in such a beautiful way oh my god, very good very well done rgg i love u

i also think the antags are very good and i'm so happy that yakuza 5 did not fall into the same tropes that have been going on for 4 games in a row. good job yakuza 5

yakuza 5's themes are dreamlike (wink), i think they really do well at weaving the protagonists stories together, and make the finale section of the game genuinely superb writing. there's something so special about these larger than life characters, who often times literally and metaphorically explode off the screen, have wishes that are so human. dreams (wink) are so big and huge, yet the humans wanting them are so small, but can still be a constant inspiration for those around them

yume think i'm exaggerating, but i wouldn't dream of it, this game is sheer peak, and i cannot wait for more of the story to come <3