Honestly compared to other auto-battlers I played this one is boring and feels very hard to get a hang on :/
(+it's league lol fuck you)

I wasted so much of my time on this stupid game lol
It's a grindy mess and that's why I love it
Can't really reccomend due to being abandoned but there are actually community-made mods!

Extremely repetitive, grindy, buggy, unfinished, unbalanced game.
I absolutely reccomend it, very fun if you can get it running with some friends, not even trying to win just trying to stay alive.

the cats are so silly.......

So far the game is good, give it some time with the constant updates and a modding community and Im pretty sure it will become amazing.
It's also dirt cheap so there's practically no downside to this one. Major reccomend!

Wish the gameplay was better as the rest is 10/10

Im not seeing myself coming back to this often, the combat is kinda meh... the music tho?? holy fucking shit


Teerraria butbetter!!!!!!!!!!!1

In all honesty, most of the bosses and random balance changes suck and the fact that you can't play it with anything apart from like 2 specific mods is really deal breaking and saddening.

When it misses, it really misses and makes me want to play something else...
When it hits? It hits HARD and makes me wish the entire mod was like this.

Overall, it still is a very fun mod but I don't think it deserves the spot as the "best" terraria mod.

I made my friend in it just so he can interact with the war crimes scp 24/7 bc its funny

I beat this game yearly I unironically love it the movie is amazing too I think they should make a second one

oatchi makes the game pretty easy but it's still super fun :3