Play this game during Christmas, you won't regret it. Even if you don't it's an amazing game.

Played 4/5 chapter, but I just never got around to finishing it. I'll prolly go back and finish it at some point.

Pretty good spin-off for the franchise.

Call it overrated, but this game got me through some shit.

The fact that the developers came back after 10 years to port the ENTIRE game from Unity to Unreal in a FREE UPDATE, and added a new level, and a level editor, is incredible. Just for that I give it a great rating.

One of the hardest turn-based games I've ever played, but a funny (very reddit-esque) story. It's pretty good.

Scrapped Half-Life 2 level which was made into a tech demo. Still fun tho!

I wanna finish it, but it's so dated that it feels really janky tbh.