No all jokes aside, I really love Yuzu, but.
Cute and fun game, great story, very generous, not too hard, not too easy either. Gacha rates are okay.
But most of all, this game is about the characters,
and if you like cute girls. this is it bro.

Countless hours in this one,
Kinda makes me miss the PSP times.

Didn't finish it, but I had fun.
Maybe that is partially my love for Fire Emblem talking though.
Game wasn't anything special, but it was alright

Young freerunning hiphop loving me thought this game was the best thing ever.

Played this game an ABSURD amount in my teens,
great game!

Not gonna lie,
this game could not keep me for longer than an hour or two.
Quit, and never looked back.

Crazy how people score this game so low.
The epicness of the story and action alone lands this at a solid 4/5.
But personal favor for the lore it's based on + my amount of enjoyment gets it another point.

A good game for being free on XB1 back when I bought one about a decade ago.
But that's about it.

Me as a young freerunner,
this game was the coolest shit ever to me.

Easily one of my most favored Zelda games from my youth together with Minish Cap and Windwaker.
I loved exploring the sea, having your little boat and getting upgrades etc.
Also the stylus gameplay was actually good.

The least enjoyable Assassins Creed to me.

This game was so disgustingly boring back when i played it, and i returned to this game twice, and i still didn't like it.


I suck ass at this game, but it's so fun.

I honestly didn't like this one actually.
Took me until BL3 to actually like the franchise.

Why does everyone gas this game so much.
It's so overrated.
Just watered down street fighter if you ask me.
Surviving off of the unlimited blind hype DBZ fans have for the franchise.
I love DB/Z/S and even GT, probably more informed/invested than 99% of the people reading this.
But this game is just a combo lock juggling cat & mouse game.