My favorite way to play Tetris with friends. Always a good time for players and spectators alike.

A pretty darn good Zelda. Visuals are very charming, but it's a real shame about the lackluster performance.

I've never played a game that was so transparently uninterested in being a video game. The absolute contempt it has for video games as an interactive medium would be admirable if it felt like there was any statement being made other than "we'd rather be making movies". An unfun slog that forces you to inhabit a guy who sucks with a story that tries to make you feel bad for making the only choices available to you.

It's really telling that not only is the HBO show better than the game, it's better because it's not a video game.

Clever little game with great atmosphere. Looks great, sounds great, and delivers exactly what it intends to.

Exactly what I had hoped for in a new Mega Man game at the time, and holds up still as maybe the best classic Mega Man.

Level design is really clumsy, and the fortress bosses in particular are a real pain in the ass. Still, it feels good to play, and I have a real affinity for it despite its flaws. It's by no means as bad as some of the dreck to come out of the back half of the X series, certainly.

Story mode was ok but gating character customization behind the live service stuff and microtransactions really burned me out.

It's another box of infinite Mario levels!

It's a box of infinite Mario levels!

I loved a lot of what the first Axiom Verge had to offer, and this game kept just about none of it. I'm sure this game is for somebody, but it's not me. A shame.

Prettiest PS2 game I've ever seen.

Solid, well-made, but never quite dazzled me. It's a perfectly fine Metroid. Couldn't help but feel like it was a lesser Fusion, but I liked it far better than the 3DS Metroid II remake. The new suit design rips, and I loved the boss fights even though they felt more like Mega Man than Metroid.

Galaxy is top-tier, but as a collection this is a missed opportunity. Could've, should've been more. At the very least include Galaxy 2. A bewildering omission.