this games premise is so incredibly horny and stupid so i streamed it to friends for fun, but its so goddamn boring. not even a 'so bad its good' kind of game

gets 2 stars because its not unplayable, the visuals and characters are pretty if you're into the anime artstyle and the battle music kinda bangs tbh. would've gotten 5 stars if i could make magic anime babies with the blond twink rival guy

didn't expect this game's story to destroy me as hard as it did lmao

I can see why this is a big favourite among the fans now lmao. The sprite work is fantastic and despite being as old as it is, I think it has mostly aged pretty well. It'll definitely be a game I'll replay a lot more in the future.

My one biggest complaint is that supports are earned by ending units' turns next to each other, yet getting a good rank requires you to use as little as turns as possible. Not like I gave a shit about the ranking anyway but??? This is truly the game design of all time 💯

While the performance issues didn't bother me too much since I have a pretty high tolerance for that stuff (this is genuinely not the worst game I've played in 2022 when it comes to performance and polish, and I still enjoyed the other game that was worse LMAO), it is pretty undeniably awful in that regard.

But aside from that? I genuinely enjoyed this game. I loved the cast, the music, the gameplay loop, some of the pokemon designs, a LOT of the character designs. It just left a lot to be desired. Somehow makes me feel hopeful for future entries despite the abysmal optimization and blatantly unfinished state.

please dont fuck up the next game gamefreak please please please ple-