this dlc is so angry its so angry im filled with so much rage 10/10 we need more angry pieces of art

Slowly piecing things together about the world and it's people through nothing but a camera lens was such a fun journey and I wish I could experience something like that again. Despite some of the issues or the janky controls, I feel like it's hard to give it anything less than 5 stars because of how much it's inspired me as an artist (and how much it stuck with me days after I finished playing). This game makes me wanna make cool art and let my feelings be known!!!


An incredibly beautiful game that constantly blew me away with how stunning it was. It feels rare for me to feel this impressed by a modern game's spritework, given hardware and memory limitations aren't a problem anymore, but the complete love into every detail to make this world feel so lively really just astonished me.

WHICH IS WHY IT FRUSTRATES ME SO MUCH THAT THE WRITING LEFT A LOT TO BE DESIRED!!! It's just so boring and directionless sometimes. So many cool ideas or themes that just felt like it was going nowhere. Some parts just drag on for way too long and this game didn't need to be as long as it is. I will commend that quite a few of the character relationships had me invested, and I honestly wish it just focused on that aspect more.

By the end of the game, my first thought was just "What did any of that even mean?". I was just confused. Not in a way that made me wanna find out more because I just had no clue if any of the different storylines really connected together in a meaningful way. I don't mind a story that's harder to understand but I feel like I'm not really given that much to work with here.

I know I sound really critical of it right now but I still enjoyed my time with it nonetheless. The gameplay was simple and a little easy but I don't mind a more laidback experience, and I could sing my praises for days over the art direction. There's so much going for it that I just really wish the story was better.

I've played 1 and 3 when I was younger but this is my first time playing 2, and I can pretty confidently say it's probably my least favourite out of the 3. Don't get me wrong it's a solid game! But I think it falls a little flat or could've been improved in certain areas.

Not having Soichi Terada for this game's OST is one of it's disappointments to me but the new music isnt bad at least. The levels feel a tad bit blander than 1's, and doesn't have any interesting theming like 1's different eras and 3's TV sets. The new gadgets aren't at all interesting and feel way too useless aside from the puzzles you specifically have to use it for. The magnet in particular kinda pissed me off because it was the main star of the most unfun platforming segments of the final level. Speaking of which I did not like that final level or the final boss!!! The level itself was just so boring for half of it and the final boss was honestly frustrating. Not hard, just frustrating. Also is it just me or do I feel like I constantly have to fight the camera, even more so than the first game.

Still, I think the rest of the game was still a good time. The monkeys have even more personality now, and there were so many visual gags in the level so I often just took my time observing them. They feel a little more fleshed out and improved gameplay-wise too. Also Jimmy and Pipotchi are the cutest protags in the series I love them.

I played this game when I was really young, maybe 4 or 5, so most of my memory of this game is really spotty. Replaying it now, it honestly aged way better than I expected it to! The environments still look amazing, the music is impeccable (of course) and the monkeys are very entertaining lil dudes and I love observing them from afar.

Biggest con is the camera being a lil clunky in certain areas or segments and the very insane difficulty spikes it can throw at you while you're unprepared, but its not too frustrating when you figure it out!

the movement in this game feels so good it makes me wanna cry. i dont know how i can play any other 3d platformer anymore if it doesnt feel this great. sybil i want you

ok but my only complaint is that the lack of map or a clearer indication of where the abilities are made it a little confusing early on. i dont mind the not having a map too much otherwise but if you havent gotten a decent moveset yet it can feel like youre running around in circles. other than that, this games super short, feels AMAZING to control, good art direction, good music and incredibly cheap. theres no reason for you not to try it

hjey guys whos ur favourite cousin. felt a little disgusted when i saw daisy stand on all fours like a cow but ive grown to love her. shes my little freak of nature

this game is doing permanent damage to my brain which is why i 100%ed it

i like picross

also the wario level music goes hard

ok i havent finished this game yet but theres no way in hell im gonna give it anything less than 5 stars by the end of it.


edit: i finished it this game is peak

I started replaying the game recently and wow, I forgot how addicting and charming this game is!! I played for two weeks straight, mastered a couple of the Lifes and finished the Al-Maajik storyline but I had to stop because mashing the A button started to hurt my thumb :D

I genuinely felt really impressed when I started remembering how big this game was, especially for a 3ds game. The gameplay loop is just so fun too. It's kind of grindy in concept, but as long as you aren't trying to 100% everything, it doesn't feel too bad. The story and writing is so, so fun too. Nothing mind-blowing but the zany dialogue really sells it.

It's a cute little game :) The rhythm gameplay isn't too engaging tbh, but all the extra side content is really fun and cool

My favourite part of this game was unironically the puyo puyo minigame

Couldn't bring myself to finish this one because it bored me to death, which is pretty impressive since it's only about 10 hours long. It's a shame since the visuals are gorgeous, but none of the gameplay, story or characters actually captivated me enough to see it through.