The game that truly popularize the Persona series. A very dated game but with excellent story deep with mystery, fun dating sim mechanics, and a strong finish.

The cons? The fatigue system is a blatantly stupid design early on, the combat and allies AI is wonky at best unless modded to allow you to control, RNG card shuffle system that can fuck you over. Looking past the frustration and flaws, it is still one of the best RPG ever.

Classics are labelled as such for a reason. One of the best JPRG. Very engrossing story line especially in early midgar arc and late game. Game mechanics that leave to your creativity and can even break the game's balance. Fun side quests and characters. Now you can use HD mods for the PC port.

Don't be fooled by the simple graphics. It is a cute adventure you need to experience blind yourself for once, and don't watch any LPs. By the end of the game, you will most likely be in tears. 10/10 worth it.

I will finish it someday, when I stop get distracted to build things in the game.

Takes a bit to get going in the beginning, but as the plot thickens later in mid-game, you end up with a very memorable adventure with very challenging final boss. The NPCs in the game also progresses with time/main plot, as visiting them at different point will trigger different dialogues.

One of the best game ever produced, hands down. So many plot twists, philosophical and religious themes, and memorable characters. By the end of the game, it will leave you proud and deeply satisfied. However, the game is not complete, as the cost spiral out of control during development, they have to chop from 4 discs to 2 discs with a lot cut content, but it is still a game worth your time.

"Good beginning, terrible mid-game, excellent endgame" is how I would describe the game. There is so much fetch quest and backtracking in the middle, it will make you puke. But if you endured it and reach the end, this is a fantastic journey full of nostalgia. The music particularly in this game is just god tier.

So much to do I just can't seemed to finish the game.

Fun & strategic game with good 80/90's storyline and vibes, but if you play normally you will ALWAYS end up with bad ending unless using a guide. What the game won't tell you is that there are certain affinity levels in the game required to unlock the good ending or other endings.