9 reviews liked by aci_J

There is no such thing as a perfect videogame, but this is the damn closest I've ever seen one get.

When Nagito Komaeda is not on screen, the other characters should be asking "Where's Nagito Komaeda?"

Overwatch porn= : )

Overwatch= : (



Try to get your combat multiplier even higher

assassinations, co-op, and forge wont be in the game upon its release. but fear not, halo fans, as the series staple feature the "battle pass" will make it in on time.

what i like about this game is almost every character is revolver ocelot, so i cant tell if im suppose to like them or if they are going to commit atrocities when phase 2 comes out whenever the world stops being so depressing that we will be ready for it

phase 2 is never coming out

this happened to my buddy erika

Layton and luke do hallucinogens for most the game