platform fighters

all platform fighters ive played ranked (unreleased games ranked by how good i think they will be :3)

Rivals of Aether
Rivals of Aether
adore this game, specifically the character movesets. super fast paced with very freeform combos, no shields/grabs/ledges is super unique and mixes up the way you play the game. meta is super parry reliant, if you cant parry and play around parries ur gonna get completely shit on as its your only defense and when u land it its half the time just a free kill.


Rivals 2
Rivals 2
UNRELEASED (have played beta)
was expecting this game to be rivals but 3d but its wayyy different but i do really really like it.
this game is just a modernized melee/pm which is smthn ive wanted forever but has never been done properly. character movesets are as good as the first game which is more than enough of a reason for me to play on its own.
bit upset at how strong crouch cancelling is, i find that mechanic kinda lame and it just feels kinda awful in this game but it may change at some point. combos are also nowhere near as strong or expressive as they were in rivals 1 which isnt the worst but that is the reason i liked the game as much as i did so its a bit of a shame.
very excited for this game to fully release i have sooo much faith in it.


Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Melee
huge playerbase, tons of learning resources, best netcode out of any of the games on this list. mechanics are super inaccessible, have to grind a ton to learn basic movement tech (and even then if u make the smallest mistake u can just die for it)


Combo Devils
Combo Devils
everything shown about this game looks actually insane but im terrified it wont get as much attention as it deserves


Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
amazing netcode, simplistic but unique and fun movesets, slime meter is such a cool mechanic adds a bunch of depth. game is, like most other indie plat fighters, super combo heavy. if you lose neutral theres a pretty decent chance of just getting 0 to death'd, but if u win neutral its sick. edge guarding sucks, recoveries are way too good. playerbase is definitely declining but you can still queue and find a match pretty quick.


Project M
Project M
i bet this game is great just doesnt have rollback. the community seems cool but its very niche so hard to get into, everyone who plays is already good.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
has a very active community and the gameplay is very accessible. god awful dogshit netcode. nintendo is obsessed with doing the opposite of what the comp scene wants.


very very promising, had a lot of fun with this but there just isnt a playerbase
cant wait for this to get finished


Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
ton of fun but died very quick thanks to producers not believing in the project
game is very bloated with mechanics like rps and cargo throwing that dont feel very polished
some characters feel too simple, half of the cast can just nair u 8 times before u get out of hitstun


Slap City
Slap City
very fun silly casual plat fighter but is completely dead and has pretty bad netcode


Rushdown Revolt
Rushdown Revolt
sick idea, been wanting an anime plat fighter forever but is very hard to learn. also is pay to play now and i dont care enough.


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
my first smash game, hard to explain why this game isnt great but it is just outdone by every other smash game (except brawl LOL BRAWL L)


i only played singles as doubles is just rly confusing to me and i can never follow whats going on. very little hitstun, very little endlag, can constantly dodge and it cant be punished. very spammy.


Cross Impact
Cross Impact
game has toree and v1 which is peak but feels kinda clunky. no ledges or grabs but still has shields? tilts are replaced with "charged tilts" which are just strongs as there are no actual strongs, all of the tilts are very laggy they might as well just be strongs. very hard to launch ppl without tilts or grabs so combos r rly difficult to start and it feels like most aerial hitboxes are designed to be used on an airborne opponent so u have kits designed around air combos but no combo starters.


Super Smash Flash 2
Super Smash Flash 2
did not play very much but it runs at 30fps and that was enough to make me instantly drop it


Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros.
super smash bros :)
INSANE hitstun and some really cool combos but is the first ever game in the genre so obviously is missing very staple mechanics


Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
this game SUCKS SO BAD but it has subspace so its not the worst (even tho subspace is boring asf gameplay wise the cutscenes are super sick)


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (game not for me but has massive playerbase so its pretty easy to get into if u rly wanna)



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