vividly remember having never heard of it until one day everyone couldn't shut up about it. asked a friend what among us was and she couldn't believe i'd never seen it before

got it as a tenth birthday present along with my first ds :) toad mains 🔛🔝

to be honest i have no clue how to play this game and kinda just button mash. but one of my core memories from high school is playing smash in the library after school with my friends while trying and failing to cut apart a raindrop cake from a nearby bakery on camera and somehow even managing to win once or twice and feeling just so insanely happy

probably not worth the $15 but engaging nonetheless

even though i started with fe3h, i think awakening was what made me a Fire Emblem fan :) gameplay is simple but clean, the characters are generally endearing, and the story holds up well! the higher difficulties absolutely weren't playtested bc you either break the game or the game breaks you but you can also gaze tenderly into chrom's eyes as he professes his love for you so um. It's a good game

logging mario kart is kinda like informing people you drink water

for the low low price of Free you too can relive the thrills of going to high school in the bay area and all the ways it can irrevocably mess up a person :3 and you can also be gay :333

games shouldn't be allowed to be this real

top 3 game in the series like it's THAT good i honestly can't believe it's getting localized!!! dadworth is real kay faraday daughter of all time and um...... eustace winnerrrrrrrrr

last case is a bit of a slog but overall aai i will always love you. cast is charming kay is my best friend and the music is INSANEEEEEEE lying coldly you deserve the world

we have never been more back. that said i miss when i could go see revali and he would be so bitchy and rude to me

birthright is basically carried by fates gameplay, which imo is the best out of the fe games i've played bar none. even in a game with fairly bland map design, the core fates gameplay experience combined w/ the fairly novel hoshidan classes make for a game that's, at the very least, really really fun to play even if it doesn't come close to the heights of conquest. combine that with an uninspired but benign story, which is apparently the bar to clear in Fire Emblem: Fates, and you have a game that somehow manages to eke out a win as the only fates game that's decent across the board.

incredibly charming! probably one of the best worlds to immerse yourself in out of the fe games i've played, which is helped immensely by hidari's stunning art direction, full voice acting, and a world + characters that feel both lived in and straight out of a fairy tale. on the other hand.... there's the gameplay. which is fine at the start and generally alright on alm's route, but celica's route feels borderline unplayable once you get to the desert + swamp maps. really enjoyed playing it the first time, but probably won't go back to it

one of my favorite games of all time i've been thinking about it basically nonstop for two years straight