5 reviews liked by aeon_metatron

this shit gave me fucking stockholm syndrome. i listen to recollection and MICOM ~ Departure nearly everyday unsure whether or not i'm weeping for the fact I lost some innocence I'll never get back, or for the fact I'm thinking about reincarnated nakajima meeting up with yumiko on volume 9 of new digital devil story. both of these choices are wrong and im probably crying because I'm still stuck working through 18 floors of mazurka

do you need a fucking review? you already know about xenogears. what else is there to be said? its only competition is literally strange journey and eternal punishment. its a game so good, its creators keep on using archetypes, themes, symbolism, metaphors, and visual motifs for 30+ years. 'b-b-but disk 2--' shut the fuck up you unoriginal ass. the only people who overreact about disk 2 are your kbash game dude wannabes who grow a spine and realize literally the best part IS disk 2.

a scrapped narrative and being a fraction of what was originally intended by tis creative its only a slight stain on easily one of the greatest worlds in gaming, with its only real competition being Azeroth and the Lands in-Between. deceptively deep, unbelievably godtier exploration, one of the most memorable soundtracks in the series, one of the best combat systems in the series--this is the REAL FF11/FF12/FF13 successor. forget miqo'te, get yourself a wrothian.

The best-worst game I've ever played.

I originally tried beating this last year around the time Xenoblade 3 was announced but I stopped fairly quickly due to me just not really having that much fun. I didn't really understand the mechanics and everything felt like a slog to get through. I shelved the game, but I was pretty sad I didn't really like it. Fast forward a year and a half later one of my friends is in the middle of marathoning the entire Xenoblade franchise, and that inspired me to give this game another try (along with Future Connected in XCDE, which I never got around to finishing either). I learned some tricks on how to make combat less of a nuisance and took some time to understand more of the mechanics and from there I just had a lot more fun. I can happily say I like this game and I don't know if there's one piece of media I'm happy my opinion has changed on more. There's a ton of bullshit in this game, I can't and won't deny that, but I just had a ton of fun and I'm so happy I gave it another chance. Thanks @undertale2enjoye ik you don't really use this website that often but I figured i'd shout you out anyway.

I can't wait to play Xenoblade 3 you don't even know

i have never felt an emptiness so comforting, disgust and depression and darkness so effortless in their omniscience. they carved their pneumatics and sonics into my senses, strangling my amygdalae with hooks and barbs of indiscriminate love.
i can only recount my experience in broad, emotional strokes- as if to make sure i never forget the decisive futility of it all, i browsed the final screenshots from my first playthrough as my brain finally caught up to my heart, demanding release. i withered and cried in mourning of people and places who don't exist. i felt cradled and blessed in that moment, and i wasn't sure if i deserved to know such divine clarity.

signalis bore holes deep into my flesh and bone of blackest nightmares, of the loudest louds and a thousand, thousand deaths and rebirths consuming my synapses with the wisdom and light of infinite sorrows, a kindness i fear i will never be able to repay for as long as i live. it is one of the most beautiful pieces of human creation i have ever endured, and its memory will persist long after i am nothing but ash and dust.