Pretty fun DLC! Its kinda sad seeing this will probly be the last one this masterpiece of a game will get.

Probly the best team-based 9-5 job simulator. Stone and Rock


Short game but kinda funny. Would rank it higher if the puzzles were a bit more difficult.

The worst part? i kinda enjoyed it.

Decent puzzle game. It was fun to try to speedrun. Also free.

It's doesn't feel like a game. Feels more like u testing the demo of your friend's school project.

I think that half-star games should only be games that either dont feel like a game, isn't fun or is so horribly made that can almost be called "true shovelware". This game is the calculated mix of the worst part of all this three rules. I would rather put my hand on boilling water than playing as Vseslav.

I just wanted to put a game on the bottom of my list.

Its complicated to rate this game. It looks like some heavy love was put into this game, but it doesn't feel good to play or see.

Its insane how funny this game can be. It shouldn't be legal that a game this short and "repetitive" is this crazy.