looks nice, good music and its pretty charming but man difficulty wise it throws so much bullshit at you, fuck that yellow thing boss

hunting down urban legends and yokai in tokyo? that's so coo-wait no don't turn into an ubisoft open world game noooooooooo

pretty early on I made Rance go play in the sand and he just kicked some kid's sandcastle, this pretty much set the tone for the entire game

just wanted to make this review to say that of all the game franchises that got an edgy makeover on the 2000's this was one of the few that truly worked because it actually fit TM's world

This is basically the first mario game I have ever played since the original one because I pretty much never owned a nintendo console since recently so I might not have noticed certain issues more well versed nintendo/mario fans might have had.

The 3D effect is used nicely, graphically it looks nice and colorful and I appreciate how the levels are all short but to the point experiences, its basically 100% meant for a handheld and it works.

I guess my main issue is how easy it really is, I even went for all the stars and didn't have much trouble aside from a couple of ones so a little more challenge would have been nice.

(this game is still the best thing ever)

The way the main plot comes together is great, side missions are mostly pretty good too and actually provide more insight into what kind of person Yagami is, the cast is great, so yeah it makes for a very solid yakuza spin-off
It has some very glaring issues but I can forgive them because everything else more than makes up for it

Everything that has to do with the "Redux" part honestly suck but its (mainly) optional, the game itself well, if something makes me want to die but I still make it to the end then its good

I have enough hours on this to say that its pretty fun overall, doesn't feel as tryhard as playing csgo.
Still has some glaring issues like aesthetically being utterly soulless and the maps all suck, if it weren't for that I would rate it higher probably.

This game was a huge surprise for me, all this time I pretty much only have seen Senran Kagura as "meme huge breasted anime girl game" and while obviously fanservice is a pretty big factor I was surprised to see that both the characters and the plot are genuinely engaging.
Sure the constant fps drops are annoying and the gameplay a bit too simplistic, but at the same time I think that makes it perfect as a portable experience since it can be perfectly played in short bursts (no pun intended) and come back at any time.

a surprisingly fun time (for the most part), graphically it looks great, the pixel characters are both cute and expressive, cgs are few but they look good, the sound design is on point and the ost is generally good although its sometimes pretty jarring how a song abruptly ends for a new one to start playing.

Plot is fine, the characters were engaging enough for me to care and the chapters being generally short length and not dragging too much makes it easy to go through each one and solving the mysteries.

Biggest con is that it can be annoyingly obtuse at times, puzzles aren't that hard themselves but many times you clearly have to do things in a very specific order for an event to trigger, and if you fail to do so (like I did) expect to be wandering around for a while (or get tired and look up a guide).

Also 3DS version comes with a bunch of extra chapters that help expand upon side characters and certain events and they are pretty cool.

you'll need to play quite a few matches until you truly get used to the rules and mechanics, but once it clicks it becomes one of the most intense 1vs1 experiences out there

also one of the best board game to videogame adaptations

Orchestral music plays as you shoot enemy planes and everyone praises via radio chatter what's not to like


This game taught me I was a weeaboo from young age because even back then I thought that the japanese hotel looked way cooler than the spain one