Hyper Jam its a very fast paced and fun party game where you and 3 other players engage in a free for all or team battles that end once only one player remains.
Its the kind of game that's very easy to pick up and play, clearly not meant to be an e-sport competitive experience but geared towards having a good time with friends.

However there are two big issues with this game which are: 1) the game is kind of dead, finding a match can take a very long time, so I'd only reccomend to get this if you have 3 other friends who are willing to buy it 2) I'm not sure if the devs are still actively working on it, but it would be nice to get more maps and weapons because you can quickly try everything with a few hours of play.

I play this while bored at work, helps pass the time and I'm a sucker for the whole decoration aspect but I still can't get behind how hard these games try to get money out of me, I swear the average gacha is less overt about it

Diet dark souls that makes for a fun co-op experience, the plot sucks and the enemies+environments are very dull and uninspired but its good fun with friends.
Bosses are bullet sponges that suck all the fun and one of the aspects that really brings the game down.
Also if you don't have at least a friend to play this with seriously don't bother, there are way better souls-like.

visual novel with good gameplay, cool cyberpunk setting and likeable characters
Biggest con is that it may be a little too long for its own good

Yakuza 5 is a really big game. It has 5 playable characters, each with its own location. This time you don't even set foot on Kamurocho until the very end which is a nice breath of fresh air after Yakuza 4 being set entirely on there. Each character has not only a bunch of substories but also entire plotlines usually tied to a minigame (driving a taxi as Kyriu, hunting as Saejima, dance battles as Haruka and Baseball as Shinada), add to that the staple yakuza side content and this is a game that can last you a good 70 hours even without going for 100%.

It feels like the first "next gen" yakuza game in the PS3 trilogy. It has more in common with Yakuza 0 onwards than with any of its predecessors.

However the plot is arguably a mess and the pacing isn't exactly stellar. While the plot has plenty of strong moments in isolation its a mess when you see the bigger picture. There are so many twists, betrayals, double crossings and drama going on that its hard to keep track of it on the long run. Not to mention that much like 4 the way they ultimately try to connect each character with each other ends up feeling kind of forced. Shinada for the most part is basically a stand-alone adventure for example.

Its still an amazing game though, I can reccomend it just for the fact that its ballsy enough to turn an entire segment into a rhythm game. Any fan of the franchise will probably greatly enjoy this even with all its flaws.

Night City is really well done, its hard to not dwarfed by it during your time there, the districts have all their own style and during my entire 50ish hour run I never got tired of traversing and exploring it.

If you actually bother doing stuff like gigs and the cyberpsycho capture missions it paints a pretty bleak world. Nobody has truly "made it" in night city, top corpos are left to rot the moment they turn useless to the company, elite soldiers are hunted like dogs once their high amount of cyberware starts acting up. Truly the best you can hope is to live your life in your own terms and die in a blaze of glory.

Now my issue with the game lies in what are the typical pitfalls of open world games. While this alone scores tons of points for night city being an actually fun map to explore and traverse unlike most Ubisoft games there's still a myriad of very dull choices. The skill tree seems overwhelming at first, but then you realize that most of the skills are just "do 2,5% more damage with handguns" or "3% more chances of a crit". The looter shooter aspect just made me groan, its no fun that after every shootout I had to comb the are to see if I find a gun that does 5 more points of damage than my current one. While the majority of secondary missions are well done gigs are a very mixed bag, some are good and help paint what kind of world Cyberpunk is more, but a lot of them are just very basic "go there, kill some guys and then leave".

There's a pretty cool narrative and characters here along with a world that's genuinely well made, but sadly everything is just kinda buried under a pile of trite AAA choices.

Played this quite a bit during pandemic, wish it were more polished and less messy but its a good way to scratch the itch of playing board games when you can't meet up.
Not all games translate well but most are at least playable.

Leon's campaing at first is clearly trying to be a throwback to RE2 but it immediatly discards it 2 hours in for boring catacombs.
Chris is RE tries to be Call of Duty, is as dull as it sounds.
Jake's is probably my favorite one just because it turns into devil may cry and the final boss is a fistfight against a giant monster.
Ada's campaing is for the most part recycling all the other campaings and it has a poorly tacked on cooperative mode when it was clearly intended to be single player only.
All of them will subject you to dozens of cutscenes telling a story that's bad even for Resident Evil low standards.

The main saving grace of this game (one that manages to be boring even when played coop) is that gameplaywise its really good, an actual evolution of what's presented in RE4, but btw the game will never teach you how to actually make use of it, enjoy having all these cool mechanics hidden underneath, which the vast majority of players will probably never bother discovering because what the game presents you as the main mode sucks ass.

una vez salí tercero en un torneo de esto y me dieron un pancho

yell at your friend simulator, its fun

Hashire Kousoku no Teikoku Kageki-Dan
Unare Shougeki no Teikoku Kageki-Dan

Good way to get your Dominion fix if you don't have people avaible to play with. Base game is free but you have to buy the expansions, which can get kinda expensive (just like the real game!).

Not a bad adaptation of the card game which is pretty fun on itself but the way it handles DLC its pretty bad, I'd rather the "full version" be an actual full version instead of just unlocking basic features and then having to pay for a boatload of DLC more to get everything.

its the kind of game that's perfect to casually play with friends due to how simple it is, anyone can boot up this and have a good time blasting through zombies

Huge improvement over 1 in every sense, still pretty short and story is non-existent but the different paths and unlockable missions add some replayability