4 reviews liked by aigistv

Game journalists don't compare Atlus game to to Persona 5 for 3 nanoseconds (IMPOSSIBLE) (YOU WON'T LAST 5 YOCTOSECONDS)

Every single inch of this game is exploding with personality while also withholding the best most addictive gameplay I have ever seen in a video game holy fucking shit.

This review was written before the game released

This game is the sole reason my favorite game went to shit. They also removed off-tank basically, which was my main role. Took what was one of the best modern FPS games and turned into a soulless lifeless cash grab piece of shit. I despise everything about this game. This is my least favorite game of all time. I will only ever continue to play this because some of my bum loser friends are still obsessed with it. R.I.P OW1

I really liked this game until it was talked about 24/7 and I dedicated my life to an edit account of this game