Best FPS ever made its so good and I don't think anything that can come out will top it for me

im sorry this gotta be the most overrated pokemon game by far

im sorry but this gotta be the most overhated pokemon game by far

this game was lil stinky but i was a googoo gaga child so it gets the nostalgia bonus

this game good asf when u don't got a bitch in ur ear telling u its ass

best not gen 4 pokemon game i won't be taking criticism

definitely one of the pokemon games oat

the game that got me into pokemon my goat

this was the peak of the franchise (i never played gen 5 for some reason so it may be better i have no idea)

this game is a personal attack on me

This was the best multiplayer game OAT in it's prime I am so serious

all the chapters can be rated separately so im doing it FUCK all of this except s4 and 7

this had the potential to be better then c2 then it was ass past s1 so yeah thank you epic games

worst map, worst battle passes, the lore is worse then ever, there was a 3 week star wars event just straight ASS but it added gohan goku black miles and 2099 so it gets 1 star