played this in class one time and people kept drawing dicks so the teacher made us all sit in silence

interesting. without the epilogue this is utterly incomplete and not worth much discussion. with the epilogue though, this is a unique take on a game about art.

my ratings are purely based on how much i like the game, not the perceived value of it, because i think seeing games as just products is harmful to the medium. however i think it's important to note that bitlife is a very greedy game. it started with bitizenship and now there's a fuckton of expansions that don't need to be paid. that being said, the game is pretty fun, especially for a mobile title. i like the legacy mechanic a lot, it's just really fun to do different types of lives.

god motherfluffing damn, they knocked it out of the park with this. everything good about the previous panzer dragoon games was amped up here, nothing is lost in the translation to an RPG. the story is beautiful, the combat feels awesome and fitting, and i gotta say it has one of the best endings of any game. absolute classicccccccccc

wow they really fucking hate balloons

sometimes all you need in life is to kill some medieval punks

a beautifully paced murder mystery, unravelling into a web of philosophical themes backed by a stellar cast, fantastic pacing and a wonderful soundtrack. masterpiece.

a downgrade in every way. the gameplay is less immediately satisfying, the levels are more cluttered, there's not much here for me to recommend this especially when the first game exists which is far better.

one of the most viciously psychedelic experiences i have had in my life

i have no idea what compelled them to put such a cerebral amazing atmosphere into what is otherwise a fairly simple puzzle game but i am so glad they did. fantastic feelings.

it's okay lol. it's just a tap water shooter with some decent movement and music, but it's so fucking long that it gets boring. really a shame because i think it improves upon some concepts from early doom

one of the most positive games i have ever played. it's all about the beauty in the simpler things in life, and i absolutely love it. i love the writing, i love the world, it's really great.

pure fun. it's good in a completely different way than the south park rpgs, which i do prefer, but this is just really well done action gameplay. the first 2 chapters are a bit of a slog, but the rest is fantastic. i love it!

WOW that was interesting. even if the gameplay is pretty clunky (auto battling is not a good combat system), if you can get past how obtuse it is, there is a real hidden gem here. it's just a simple, fun and great time with a nice soundtrack.

postal 2 for women
this game is amazing. i do have some issues, like with certain routes not being as fleshed out and the lack of a choice map or skip button. hopefully these issues have been fixed in the sequel, but as it stands, this is one of the best written and most consistently funny games i have ever played. there's such a wide variety in the routes and them being so short makes it so it doesn't get tiring. i adore nicole, she's the perfect protagonist. fantastic.