played this in class one time and people kept drawing dicks so the teacher made us all sit in silence

yep its goated. probably a must-play for anyone, a masterclass of horror and pretty much everything else it does

a beautifully paced murder mystery, unravelling into a web of philosophical themes backed by a stellar cast, fantastic pacing and a wonderful soundtrack. masterpiece.

one of the most positive games i have ever played. it's all about the beauty in the simpler things in life, and i absolutely love it. i love the writing, i love the world, it's really great.

the ideal arcade game. most versions fucking suck though and the fact the NES version has been preserved in any way proves the lack of God's existence (i am slightly overreacting)


Few games make me feel as powerful.

disturbing the bees 🐝 😳
tartarus isnt boring

An emotional and existential narrative paired with fantastic combat and INCREDIBLE music. Paramount

I didn't love playing through it as much as some others, but I just can't get this out of my head for some reason. Genuinely a great game, the DLC is also scary as fuck. Recommended to those who like intricate puzzlers and existential dread.

show this to any pro lifer to make them understand ultimate rage against fetuses

an absolutely MADDENING masterpiece, with some of the best bosses i've ever had the pure agony of experiencing. a hauntingly beautiful nightmare.

losing my save file after 20 hours this is truly the dark souls of saving

postal 2 for women
this game is amazing. i do have some issues, like with certain routes not being as fleshed out and the lack of a choice map or skip button. hopefully these issues have been fixed in the sequel, but as it stands, this is one of the best written and most consistently funny games i have ever played. there's such a wide variety in the routes and them being so short makes it so it doesn't get tiring. i adore nicole, she's the perfect protagonist. fantastic.

incredibly unique and captivating first episode - the characters are all very memorable, and the writing is on point. a lot of the horror is implied which can make it way more compelling. i'm very excited to see where this goes.