i like playing this for everything but the game itself
custom servers are ##PEAK

induces many emotionsđź‘Ťđź‘Ť

too much precision bullshittery lol

it gets rhythmic and uhhh idk what to say abt this one

improves mechanically on the first 2 games, but repetitive tasks and performance issues make it a less enjoyable experience.

of all the elephant games, this is certainly one of them!

really cant wrap my head around the movement in this game but its good just not the best celeste game

fun little timewaster, definitely enjoyable for a bit

i unlockwed avhiemetns 2
its better than the first

i unlocked the achievements indeed
too many of these are way too obtuse and ridiculous

pretty cool discord game one of their best maybe?

i've recently been itching for these types of short browser games and this is one i remember dearly. it's a weird, pretty simple game with a somewhat existential and maybe even immoral story, but it's an enjoyable experience throughout.