i have no idea what compelled them to put such a cerebral amazing atmosphere into what is otherwise a fairly simple puzzle game but i am so glad they did. fantastic feelings.

a downgrade in every way. the gameplay is less immediately satisfying, the levels are more cluttered, there's not much here for me to recommend this especially when the first game exists which is far better.

its a good game but holy fuck it needs to lay the fuck down. you do not need to have 69 bazillion lasers in every single area. it is complete sensory overload and theres not even a goddamn dodge button. still fun though. just wish the game design wasnt so asinine sometimes

fun shooter, but probably not gonna return

wow they really fucking hate balloons

tfw the style is the substance. that evolution of trust level is fucking insane btw and it is absolutely hilarious how that was repurposed

honestly for a game so absorbed in "video game parody", i wish it went a little further, it does tend to blur the line between genius commentary and dumbass non-subversion.

played this on youtube. very surreal. it's pretty fun actually, for a mobile stealth game. but it did just make me wanna play a real stealth game instead

just left no impact on me at all. it's a somewhat interesting concept but there really isn't anything interesting done with it, and the mechanics are unsatisfying as hell.

dopamine feels good and this is one of my STRONGEST dealers
there is a constant sense of progression, it's really well done i ADORE this game

incredible game.. questionable ending cutscene.

it's okay lol. it's just a tap water shooter with some decent movement and music, but it's so fucking long that it gets boring. really a shame because i think it improves upon some concepts from early doom

this is one of the games of all time ever created

one of the most viciously psychedelic experiences i have had in my life