one of the most thought provoking games ever, where every choice is the wrong one. it's frustrating, it's painful, it's beautiful.

much like life, being trans is awful. having to live your life as a compromised version of yourself, not quite belonging anywhere, even among the people who love you most, and constantly struggling with the feeling that you can't do what you want to do because people won’t let you or won't understand. there is a sense of loneliness, of isolation, a sense that you're not ever going to be understood and that you'll always be just a little off, a little too clockable, a little too different. there is an incredible sadness to the whole experience.

as for the positive aspect? i'm still working that out. i'm not lucky enough to have a family that supports me. i live in a state of constant fear and apathy, knowing that no matter what i do, i'll never be the girl i've always had in my head.

the problem is, i'm a pretty miserable person, and i take it out on everyone around me. i hate my life, and i can't be happy being a man and i don't know what to do about it. but i do know that i hate this situation i'm in, and the idea that i can't escape it. it's like i have an anchor dragging me down, and i can't get out of the water.

i know there's a lot of trans people who are really happy, and i'm happy for them. for me, it's not been a good experience, and i'm not at all sure it's going to get better. but it has given me some perspective on life.

my perspective on gender has led me to have unfortunate habits of psychoanalyzing everyone i see, recognizing patterns and trying to understand why they do what they do. it has given me a sense of being misunderstood and that it's everyone else's fault. because of this, i'm very judgmental. it's like i've dissociated from all of society, there's no human connection or emotions behind the faces and words. it's almost like i'm a vampire. it's not exactly easy being this way, and i wish i had been born different, but at least i know that, at the end of the day, no one is ever going to be able to understand me completely.

my feelings are a complicated mess, and trying to explain them to people who don't understand gender dysphoria is difficult, so it's easier to go without trying, especially if it was easier for everyone to assume i'm cis than have me talk about my feelings. it's just easier to keep people at arms length, let them make their own assumptions and let them feel comfortable in their own bubble. but if i tried to interact with people, i'd just be putting them in an awkward position, trying to understand what i'm saying. it's easier for everyone to just assume.

yep its goated. probably a must-play for anyone, a masterclass of horror and pretty much everything else it does

played this in class one time and people kept drawing dicks so the teacher made us all sit in silence

i owe you an apology miyazaki, i wasnt really familiar with your game

i have learned to love dark souls. the atmosphere is great, the way the world is connected is amazing, and i love the combat system. almost everything is amazing, except lost izalith which is the worst shit ever.

o&s and gwyn are awesome. pretty much every boss is. excellent game.

a beautifully paced murder mystery, unravelling into a web of philosophical themes backed by a stellar cast, fantastic pacing and a wonderful soundtrack. masterpiece.

such a fun platformer and uses the dualsense amazingly. i think it really might be the best controller of all time. this game is insanely fun and whimsical which is something i will always love. if you have a ps5, play this. it's literally free!!

i absolutely love animal well. i was expecting to enjoy it, but really i wasn't prepared for just how magical it feels. the map is incredibly dense, the puzzles are intuitively designed and have a great sense of accomplishment, the boss fights (which i wasn't expecting at all) are actually really creative puzzle fights, which i usually dislike.

my only MAJOR complaint is that it does feel a bit railroaded at times, a lot of areas deliberately prevent you from sequence breaking, which is something i find annoying. but other than that, just a ridiculously good game.

disturbing the bees 🐝 😳
tartarus isnt boring

An emotional and existential narrative paired with fantastic combat and INCREDIBLE music. Paramount

glad to have finally played this classic, even if it didn't live up to all the hype. the story is cool, the exploration is whatever. my fav part is the combat, bosses especially. very challenging but rewarding. it's cool to experience this now considering how influential it was, but not really something i love a ton.

one of the most positive games i have ever played. it's all about the beauty in the simpler things in life, and i absolutely love it. i love the writing, i love the world, it's really great.

one of the best. ever.

saya no uta uses perspective brilliantly, to make you empathize with the terrible protagonist, while not glorifying his actions. it's a masterful portrayal, and it's also heart-wrenching. good music too. the entire experience is very disturbing, but it does a very good job at depicting the darkness of fuminori's psyche.

it can feel like delving into the mind of epstein and this is exactly what makes it so captivating. there is some seriously good symbolism too.


it makes me laugh and has unique concepts therefore it is good even if it is baby's first meta game