no substance here at all, it has a cool aesthetic but there's nothing interesting beyond the surface level. it's just a mindless platformer with mechanics that don't get fully explored at all

what a unique concept for a game. it's honestly done really well, i just wish it was a bit longer and had more options.

very well done metroidvania. i love the art and feel, and the exploration is solid too. my main issue is that it can feel repetitive and aimless at times, and i also would've liked some more boss fights. otherwise though, really good

an engaging, very in-depth roleplaying experience that i will probably never play again.

act 1 - 10/10
act 2 - 5/10
act 3 - 8/10

the ideal arcade game. most versions fucking suck though and the fact the NES version has been preserved in any way proves the lack of God's existence (i am slightly overreacting)

interesting horror/adventure game. dated in some aspects, but still holds up in the atmosphere which is where it matters most. awesome cutscenes. recommended to fans of adventure games.

fun shooter, but probably not gonna return

postal 2 for women
this game is amazing. i do have some issues, like with certain routes not being as fleshed out and the lack of a choice map or skip button. hopefully these issues have been fixed in the sequel, but as it stands, this is one of the best written and most consistently funny games i have ever played. there's such a wide variety in the routes and them being so short makes it so it doesn't get tiring. i adore nicole, she's the perfect protagonist. fantastic.

WOW that was interesting. even if the gameplay is pretty clunky (auto battling is not a good combat system), if you can get past how obtuse it is, there is a real hidden gem here. it's just a simple, fun and great time with a nice soundtrack.

pure fun. it's good in a completely different way than the south park rpgs, which i do prefer, but this is just really well done action gameplay. the first 2 chapters are a bit of a slog, but the rest is fantastic. i love it!

one of the most positive games i have ever played. it's all about the beauty in the simpler things in life, and i absolutely love it. i love the writing, i love the world, it's really great.

it's okay lol. it's just a tap water shooter with some decent movement and music, but it's so fucking long that it gets boring. really a shame because i think it improves upon some concepts from early doom

i have no idea what compelled them to put such a cerebral amazing atmosphere into what is otherwise a fairly simple puzzle game but i am so glad they did. fantastic feelings.

one of the most viciously psychedelic experiences i have had in my life