Binged this pretty hard for a couple months but it became tiresome. Want to play again to see the fall festival/seasonal decor and collections but won’t be playing as an ongoing habit.


Atmospheric dark fun that I really enjoyed on the Steam deck.

Extremely cute but not a fun experience on Steam deck, even after modifying the controls. Story was bizarre. But so many cute characters and pretty scenes.

Really loved the puzzles and art style. A game I will surely play again.

Visually stunning and tough. Charming character design. This is on my long-term list as it will take me forever to complete, if I do.

More intense and violent than the first one. Had to take a break from the stress of this game and still haven't returned nearly a year later. Maybe around Halloween.

OK, this game was cute and addictive but also frustrating. I liked the recipes + spell crafting aspect, but much of it felt like a grind. If you don't gather enough ingredients you'll be running around A LOT.

Addictive, frustrating fun. Playing with others can get heated, but it's actually fun to play solo, as you get to switch between characters to complete your tasks in record time without setting the kitchen on fire.

Creepy and satisfying. Good experience on the Steam deck.

Very addictive. Pretty art style and fun to get sucked into making different potions and collecting ingredients. It does get repetitive though and they absolutely need to add more music options.

Liked the dark atmosphere and moderate tension in this one. Kept my interest until the end.


Very beautiful and moving. Cried at least once.