I mean look folks we're gonna be going for a long time here and it's hard to pretend I haven't already had an incredible experience this past 40 or so days

If it were just the first hour and the last hour, it would be four stars easy. But it just makes you repeat that first hour like twelve times! It sucks!

A maddening experience that offers some strong characterization and a handful of great combat sequences but also happily wastes tens of hours of the player's time with uninspired level design and some truly boring characters it dwells on too long. I've seen the game through twice without holding the controller - if I was just reviewing that experience and not the times I've tried to play it myself, I would be a bit more positive on the thing.

IMO, the peak of gaming's best trilogy. Though it does require all the DLC to really get a full experience.

Honestly, was better before they started adding new weapons and hats.

If they really are doing a remaster for Switch...all they have to do is fix the collision issues (i CAN'T be clipping through platforms in a Mario game!!! absolutely not!!!) and the camera and the way levels are gated for completion and this goes up to 4/5 tbh

the first good mario kart is double dash but this game still has a dope soundtrack

i wish i remembered it more? like three houses came out and i have copious issues with that game but also its characters and plot stand out to me so, so much more. like what am i supposed to say about lissa and uhhhhhh emmeryn

The first truly excellent Mario Kart

played like sixteen hours and didn't see anything that excited me. incredibly well executed graphics for devastating labor costs, but seriously it just adds up to nothing for me.

blizzard is evil, they did eventually break the game for casual play, but there's still enough left in me after like 400 hours that i think about starting again and getting into watching OWL

genuinely just so outclassed by XCOM 2 and WOTC incorporating so many of this game's absent features, improving on the art design, and then that game also requiring tens of mods to incorporate the level of detail its biggest fans want lol

The QOL improvements to Persona 4 are great. The changes to the characterizations and story, and all of the new content, are maddeningly trite and shrill. All you had to add was an Akechi social link and Yosuke's romance option, folks. All the other stuff just gets in the way.

honestly if the puzzles were just on my phone i'd like it a whole lot better. i think the myst/framing narrative only make things worse