special moments with special games

collection of memories i associate with games i like

Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley
im not really all that fond w this game
but when i was first getting into my favorite artist i was playing a loooot of this game with my boyfriend-at-the-time
listening to the bee and puppycat soundtrack reminds me a lot of this game
i was in vc with my partner when i first discovered you could die after getting one of the hearts lol, laughed a ton
i believe i was doing 3c? one of those im not sure
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2
havent really played a lot of this
little bit of a weird one since ive only gotten into it a while back, and everyone knows about the state of this game
i have a lotta fun w it! was basically the only game i played during all of january this year,,,,
a specific interaction i can recall was joining a community server because it had the lgbt tag, getting spychecked by a team mate pyro that had almost the exact same loadout as mine and then calling my pyro cute :}
Risk of Rain 2
Risk of Rain 2
this was my go-to game to listen to albums a while back
the first time i listened to vylet pony ever was playing this
i still feel like playin it whenever i listen to cutiemarks
Rain World
Rain World
still havent beaten this one, havent been able to pick it back up for a while but its one of my fav games
my gf introduced it to me a while ago n half of my hours was played screensharing to it,
i remember it saying i was surprisingly really good at it for a first time player even though i felt i was doing bad
somehow going thru the shaded citadel in one sitting was kind of wild
Spelunky 2
Spelunky 2
met most of my current online friends because of this game, havent been around the community for a while but i still do low% runs from time to time.
when this first came out i had a sort of tetris effect w it. every time i went to bed and closed my eyes, id generate accurate dwelling levels and i would just. play it. with my brain. it was cool
Quake III Arena
Quake III Arena
this was the first shooter that i actually had any kind of interest, completly molded my tastes and its hard not to think of it whenever i get into a new movement shooter
I Wanna Be the Guy
I Wanna Be the Guy
i was never really any good at video games, im not really good at this one either, but i like it a lot, ive beaten it a few times.
it was the game that introduced me to the concept of precision platformers and i hold it very dear to my heart cause of this.
Bad End Theater
Bad End Theater
it was girls
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
also made her play this
vividly remember her running exp sponge + refusing to use any of the items n lose a lot in the paula fight
Team Fortress 2: Mann vs. Machine
Team Fortress 2: Mann vs. Machine
ive played this like, twice. both times in bootcamp lol
its really fucking fun and i love the friend who showed me it, i got some tickets n wanna try mann up w them as soon as i can
SkyFactory 4
SkyFactory 4
partner had a keyboard key stuck and that was pretty funny
she also showed me some albums it likes n that was rly nice ("foxlore" and "the fool in her wedding gown" by the crane wives, "chutes too narrow", "wincing the night away" and "the worm's heart" by the shins, "notos", "boreas" and "zephyrus" by the oh hellos)


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