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anabukashka reviewed Metal Slug
I loved this game since I first laid eyes on it in a dingy basement of a "game center" in my little home town: it was just a bunch of PS1 consoles hooked up to CRT TVs and people paid by the hour to play and could pick any disk that was available. I always had a fond memories of playing Metal Slug in this game center but never had a chance to replay it. Then one day, when I was older and had a PS4 I decided to buy Arcade Archives re-release of it and I'm still playing it on PS4 and on RetroArch on my phone. I can almost 1cc it! Almost!

This is game is fun. This game is epic. This game will never waste your time and it will always deliver the most amount of fun in the least amount of time possible. Like arcade games tend to do. But this one is especially fun. It's got charm and it's just immediately apparent that of lot of sweat, blood, tears and soul went into this game. And I just can't stop feeling this immense respect and gratitude for the people who made this game and for their hard work.
I can feel emulated heart of Neo-Geo system creaking and budging under pressure just like Metal Slug vehicles, but it never gives in. It keeps going. Usually when I play Metal Slug, I imagine that I'm in the arcade and I have enough money for a couple of plays and I try maximize my gameplay time with it: just act like I would have acted in the arcade with limited money resources. That way I'm much more careful and focused when I play and dying really hurts! But it feels so good to win!

5 days ago

anabukashka is now playing Metal Slug

5 days ago

anabukashka played Metal Slug
I loved this game since I first laid eyes on it in a dingy basement of a "game center" in my little home town: it was just a bunch of PS1 consoles hooked up to CRT TVs and people paid by the hour to play and could pick any disk that was available. I always had a fond memories of playing Metal Slug in this game center but never had a chance to replay it. Then one day, when I was older and had a PS4 I decided to buy Arcade Archives re-release of it and I'm still playing it on PS4 and on RetroArch on my phone. I can almost 1cc it! Almost!

This is game is fun. This game is epic. This game will never waste your time and it will always deliver the most amount of fun in the least amount of time possible. Like arcade games tend to do. But this one is especially fun. It's got charm and it's just immediately apparent that of lot of sweat, blood, tears and soul went into this game. And I just can't stop feeling this immense respect and gratitude for the people who made this game and for their hard work.
I can feel emulated heart of Neo-Geo system creaking and budging under pressure just like Metal Slug vehicles, but it never gives in. It keeps going. Usually when I play Metal Slug, I imagine that I'm in the arcade and I have enough money for a couple of plays and I try maximize my gameplay time with it: just act like I would have acted in the arcade with limited money resources. That way I'm much more careful and focused when I play and dying really hurts! But it feels so good to win!

5 days ago

anabukashka played Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
When I was little I played this game with cheats. I couldn't figure it out because of the language barrier and cheats helpled me get some fun out of it. But it wasn't very much. I played Jungle and Urban strikes first and because of it desert one felt very boring. But anyway recently I played it in RetroArch and wow, the war propaganda in this creepes me out a lot! It is pretty dystopic.

5 days ago

anabukashka reviewed Resident Evil 4
My personal 2023 game of the year. Resident Evil games are my favorite shooting action 3d games. This one is very close to being mechanically perfect for me. I've come to expect that from Capcom. I love this game. Recently I played Mercenaries. I was afraid to play it because last third person mainline mercs were back in 2012! But now I did and I was not disappointed: My heart is pounding, the music is amazing and the gameplay is like gorging my favorite meal with my favorite desert and drink. It's just pure bliss. I will probably be playing same character on one map just like I always do, that's just how I am.

This game has usual RE sexy aesthetic with BDSM vibes. Incredible presentation, gorgeous detailed graphics, colors, lights and shadows. Jaw-dropping smooth animation from probably the best gameplay animators in the whole world right now. And it's got newly reinvened and now calcified style. It's just incredibly impressive to me that Capcom managed to upgrade and reinvent the style that their games had back in PS2 era. New style feels more grown up and matured but not changed in it's core. It's smooth.

Gameplay has evolved too. It would have been so easy to keep the old gameplay with slight alterations. But Capcom went above and beyond. Even VR mode is rebalanced for highly precise VR aiming.
I could keep talking and I want to, but I got stuff to do.

13 days ago

anabukashka is now playing Resident Evil 4

13 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

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