Played the shit out of this during a holiday vacation. This is my only Trials game, and I had a lot of fun with it. The physics-based platforming on a motorbike is frustrating and fun at the same time.

I've played this game on both PS4 and PC for about 12 hours on each system. This is a pretty fun and hectic top-down shooter with some really neat ideas, but the structure of the game with the lack of any real progression outside of your character lead me and the 2 different crews I've played this with abandon it once we got our fill, which was way sooner than whatever the end-game is.

From what I played, this was a pretty basic top-down shooter roguelike whose biggest feature was the copious amounts of screenshake that occurred when anything happened on the screen. Like most roguelikes I play, I lasted anywhere from 2-5 hours on this one before abandoning it.

I enjoyed watching Giant Bomb fuck around with this more than actually playing it myself, but it's a well-made game and some of the crazy levels that have come out of the community are cool.

Incredible game. A more platformer-based metroidvania structured game with incredible visuals and really tight gameplay. Tells a touching story and has some amazing set pieces that act as "dungeons." The fact that they were able to make the sequel even better is astounding.

I ended up being too dumb for this game. It's a well made first person puzzle game though and I enjoyed what I played.

Really good Telltale style game that managed to out-Telltale Telltale. This game managed to make me actually get anxious about certain decisions. The voice acting is pretty bad and the writing is fairly cringe, but this is a great example of the sum is greater than the parts story-based adventure game.

At launch, this game had some content problems, and yet I still played it way too much. The Taken King was a really good expansion and helped bring the game to where it should have been when it was launched. The shooting gameplay is really good (nobody does console shooters better than Bungie), but the story and writing was trash. Fun to play strikes and raids with friends.

This is the best Quantic Dream game, and it's not by Quantic Dream. This game knows exactly what it's trying to do, and it does it extremely well. The campy 80s slasher film vibe is pulled off really well, and it even has some pretty big name actors to help. Really good.

The worst of the Rocksteady Arkham trilogy. The batmobile was fun to drive, but the combat was ass. The game looked and played amazing, but the bigger open world lead to less interesting worldbuilding and the story relied too much on dead Joker.

Played this one a lot when it first came out thanks to being a PS Plus game on release. Had a lot of fun with King of Saves and Striker in our 3s matches. This was probably the last competitive multiplayer game I put any significant amount of time into.

Same thing as Rock Band 2, but even better as it introduced Pro mode for the instruments. Being able to play expert pro drums with my electronic drumset connected to my PS3 was an absolute game changer.

Rock Band is an all-time great series, and one of my all-time favorites. Played the shit out of these games on the PS2 when they came out, and had a resurgence when Rock Band 4 came out in 2015. The game in particular probably has the best soundtrack of any of the music games (rock band or guitar hero) ever compiled.

Didn't really enjoy this one as much as the other Telltale games. I was playing this one as it released, and I found myself forgetting what was happening between episodes.

Better than average metroidvania style game with a fun theme and a unique art style. The wrestling-inspired brawler combat is a nice change of pace from the usual hack and slash combat that these games usually have.