1574 Reviews liked by andrewsgameblog

That’s not even Mario on the cover, that’s just Captain Lou Albano

Water is wet. Pinball is boring.

Well it certainly is Pinball.


I imagine back in the day this really scratched the pinball itch at home, but growing up with Windows Pinball, I can't help but feel everything I am getting out of this game I can get 100× better and more stimulating elsewhere. Interesting as a piece of history, but that's about it in 2023.

Played on Switch.

Pretty decent NES pinball game. The most important thing with a game like this - and something I wasn’t sure Nintendo would have gotten right in 1984 - is that the physics of the ball and the bumpers and paddles feel realistic, which they do in this game. Playing this feels like playing a real pinball machine which is definitely to be commended. That said, this is a very simple pinball game. The different bonuses you can earn are pretty blah and don’t really add anything exciting to the game. There’s a pretty boring breakout style bonus game but that’s really it. No interesting graphics when you get a bonus, no second ball, just the bonus game and the potential to earn a stopper by your paddles to prevent you from losing a ball. I played this normally for a while and then used save states until I could see every potential bonus, so I’m fairly certain this is the extent of them.

Also - unsure if this is part of the game or a weird glitch but your paddles turn invisible if you score 100k points. I’m assuming this is intentional but it’s implemented in a way where it’s quite difficult to tell. The paddles don’t flash before disappearing or anything they’re just suddenly gone.

Overall this is a fun little pinball game and definitely one of the better black box NES games I’ve played. It is a very simple pinball game however. I’m not a connoisseur of pinball games but I’m certain there are much better ones out there if you’re into that sort of thing.

They didn't lie, it's Pinball on Nintendo, and that's about it

This isn't Space Cadet 3D Pinball, this is just Pinball. It's decent.

Functional pinball. To be honest I don't think I've ever had a pinball experience, real or digital, that has amounted to more than a flat 7/10.

Most basic pinball with some Mario/Pauline appearances.

i mean the arcade version is better

nes classic 3/30

a 3 centimeter fall kills you, this might be the most extreme fall damage ever

It's incredible the contrast between the original and this one. When I've played the NES Metroid I felt that the game didn't aged well at all and at the moment it's the worst game on the franchise (at least before I play Federation Force and Other M). As for Zero Mission, it's the best 2D Metroid game I've flayed so far

The map layout is great, and the new graphic and sounds made each area more unique (and more beautiful too). The movement is also perfect, and for me the best the series had for the 2D games

My only real problem is that the game have too much missile upgrades (at least for my liking). If I remember correctly, in less than 30 minutes I was already with 80 missiles total

They've basically picked the story of the first Metroid and put it in a game with the best of Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. There is almost nothing to complain, and the only thing I found was a problem just to myself

Really great remake of the first game. I would recommend this over the original.