Really great game, kind of a hybrid between 3D platformer and a 3D zelda esc and the two styles marry together wonderfully. of course the main standout is the controls, all the abilities you gain are super useful, the equibable spirits are very useful and fun to collect and the combat is super fun and satisfying. you earn additional max hearts in small platforming challenges called voids and all of them even if they're not hard are really well designed and super fun to run through.
This game is a high recommendation.

real quote from the game
"Books have no place in our society"

the game is weighed down bye a cumbersome game maker with the ps4 or ps5 controller but scrolling through what others have made is always a treat and it is truly endless

my personal favorite Wii game, warioware at it's absolute best, all the ways the games has you holding the form baton (Wii Remote) make for some of the most creative microgames in the franchise, a must buy for any Wii owner!

this is not a game, it is an emotional, challenging, and uplifting experience, I can't say anything more without spoiling it, please experience this

The best content in Pokémon Shield but the fact that you have to pay an extra $30 USD to play it weighs it down

most I have to say about this game is on the back of the box it shows switch controllers

a nice 10-15 minute romp with a limited sandbox but not much more, a cool experience for sure, a game it is lacking