cryptic and frustratingly difficult, kinda good nobody remembers this game

fun game but it gets frustratingly difficult at times

it's just a solid normal kirby game

a refinement and enchantment of return to dreamland

it's the perfect kirby game, what else is there to say

good but definitely lacking on content

good for what it is but it's definitely overpriced and underwhelming for Kirby's first mainline HD game

not really a game but works for what it is


a super fun and charming experience that everyone should try at least once

they don't call it peak fiction for nothing

To give you an example of how bad the difficulty spike is, I thought the final boss was easier then the last two worlds.
Was gonna give this an 8/10 but then the difficulty spike sucker punches you in the face and then continues to go up.
Other than that, great visual style, simple but effective story, fun characters, great use of the mechanics. Also loved how pretty much every single level introduced some new object or enemy, kept it fresh.
Something positive I will say about the difficulty is that most of it still feels accomplishable, and to say I felt great after beating some of these levels would be an understatement.
Overall, good game that I would recommend but also warn of the difficulty spike.