5 reviews liked by anothab

not convinced this wasn't mining crypto on my pc, but that's a fair price to pay for funny dog

Probably my favourite game of all time. The hype leading up to released and at the time gameplay and visuals were excellent. The story and way side quests were handled made the game compelling to play. One of the only single player games ive played through twice and planning to again on the next gen upgrade edition.

🕗 Total time played (approx.): 50h
🏆 Completion: 100% (68/77 Trophies, 100% in the base game and the DLC, but did not bother with the Multiplayer mode, since it's only mildly interesting for me)


"Ghost of Tsushima - Director's Cut" for the PS5 is a masterpiece that will make every samurai fan's heart race with excitement. Having already completed the PS4 version and its DLC to 100%, I was eager to once again immerse myself in the digital feudal Japan. And I was not disappointed.

The graphical splendor and attention to detail in this game are breathtaking. The picturesque landscapes, blooming cherry blossoms, majestic mountain peaks, and serene temple gardens truly transport you into the world of Tsushima. Every angle feels like a painting come to life. The story of Jin Sakai, torn between the ancient traditions of the samurai and the need to protect his people from the Mongol invasion, is gripping and emotional. You feel connected to Jin as he navigates through battles and moral dilemmas that shape his journey. The combat system is fluid and challenging, allowing you to switch between different fighting styles to adapt to each situation. The duels are a highlight, where you truly feel the skill and honor of a samurai.

However, what truly sets "Ghost of Tsushima" apart imo, is its open-world experience. The world is not only vast but also alive and teeming with activities. From various side quests to discovering hidden shrines and capturing the breathtaking landscapes, there is always something to do and explore.

The Director's Cut adds even more content to the game, including the new island of Iki, which offers a fascinating new story and quests. This expansion further elevated my appreciation for the game and made my journey through Tsushima even more unforgettable. The Iki Island DLC deserves special mention as it provides a compelling narrative that delves deeper into Jin's character and past. Exploring this new area, encountering new threats, and forging new alliances adds another layer of depth to an already rich game. While the multiplayer mode called "Ghost of Tsushima: Legends" is a nice (free!) addition, I found it didn't offer enough incentive for me to invest a significant amount of time. I do like to return for a round or two every now and then to work on the associated trophies, but it doesn't hold my attention like the main story and exploration.

"Ghost of Tsushima - Director's Cut" redefines open-world games for me, making them more exciting and akin to a true journey. It is a homage to Japanese culture and the era of the samurai, masterfully presented with a gripping story.

⭐ Rating: 5/5

Incredible game, satisfying gameplay loop. The world is incredible and the presentation is amazing. Could spend hours just looking at the vistas and areas of the main map. Story is emotional and moving. Completed main story in 36 hours and moving onto the expansion Iki island and going for the platinum trophy.

Tbh this game is very mid. The gameplay is just repetitive side quests until you reach the point where it's just one straight line of plot - so basically 80% side quests, 20% main story. The bromance is good, the romance is very shit - the bromance had more romance than Luna and Noct basically. But yk I guess that's the whole point, it's suppose to be a fun bromance roadtrip story and they got it right.

Despite that, this is one of my favourite games of all time and I probably have 200+ hours on it. Main characters have lots of chemistry and they were written well. Cried many times. OST very good. Regalia best boy. Thank you for writing Prompto Argentum. 10/10 would probably play again