I don’t care if it’s a blatant rip-off of Crash 3, my 5 year old self had no idea about that and had a blast having this as my first video game ever. The nostalgia is so strong with this one, especially the soundtrack which had no business being this good.

Regardless of its flaws, it will always be one of the most iconic and replayable games of all time. Not every game can be released 7 times (or is it more?) and still have people buying and dedicating 100s of hours to it. The atmosphere, world building, quest lines and music definitely make it one of my favorite comfort games.

Played this game knowing absolutely nothing about it and having never played a metroidvania before, yet I really fell in love with it. The art style is so beautiful, the lore interesting and the gameplay fun and not overly challenging. Ended up 100% it and getting all the endings even though I didn’t originally intend to. Loved discovering every little corner of the map and all the secrets and easter eggs.

A worthy successor to the original 3 games, loved the variety in level design and the fact you get to play as different characters (even though most of them are kind of annoying to use). The difficulty of the base game is fine but you have to do SO many things to get that 106% that I ended up having a love-hate relationship with the game by the time I was done with it. Truly a completionist’s nightmare.

Gameplay wise it’s a carbon copy of the 2018 game and just as enjoyable. However the main story was a huge downgrade in my opinion. It was not only predictable but had you doing repetitive and tedious tasks (I swear to god if I see one more generator). It’s an okay game but it felt like a chore to get that 100%.

Truly a one of a kind type of game. The way people are still discovering new things about it 7 years after its release is telling on its own. Both the main story and side quests are incredibly well written and your choices end up mattering in a variety of unexpected ways. World is immersive, the game makes you care about the characters, gameplay is satisfying. 10/10.

Probably the most overhated Fallout game that only now are people slowly starting to appreciate. Yes, the lack of RPG elements and the dumbing down of the speech system are disappointing. But I feel like there’s still plenty of elements that Fallout 4 does better than any other modern game in the franchise especially gameplay-wise (weapon variety and modding, settlement building, power armor etc) and the depth with which NPCs and mainly companions are written. Overall an extremely enjoyable game that‘s so easy to get lost in and spend 100s of hours on.

It’s fair to say some aspects of Fallout 3 have not aged particularly well and the way the main quest ends is a bit unsatisfying. However it’s obvious that so much creativity and love was poured into the game. The way it prioritizes and rewards exploration, the quality of the side quests and the variety of options to choose from make it a genuinely entertaining experience that’s worth revisiting time and time again over the years.