14 Reviews liked by arianaGandhi

I couldn’t get on with the combat, or setting, but from what I played it’s a good game, but I don’t like the gameplay style, just not for me

The Last of Us: Norse Edition
This was where I truly got sick of games trying to be way too serious and being critically acclaimed as a result despite basic combat, abysmal enemy variety and forced bloody walking sections.

a game with an okay story and meh combat

Starts off really strong but I got really bored/frustrated in the back half.

Another one of those 2.75's that I'm rounding up because of certain things. The game's combat isn't all that bad, but it doesn't really encourage you to use much of it in most cases. A lot of the attacks outside of magic just don't feel super impactful or worth the time to think about. The "magic" is nuts though. Defensively games cool. Story is alright and clearly had effort put into it, but the 'dad game' has run its course pretty thoroughly.

Also, I really like norse mythos and Sigrun was a fun boss, so that has something to do with it.

Pure bliss in terms of a cinematic gaming experience.

But man, fighting the Dark Elves is NOT fun.

Visceral combat mixed with well told story that has the makings of a 5 star game in it but it has enough places where it doesn't hit the mark that bring it down.

The Epitome of taking something that's just fine, and shaving off any semblance of humanity to create a game that just Reward bait. Poor Combat, mediocre script, everything else is spectacle

Not game of the generation it’s a game that I wish it wasn’t held back by some creative decisions

Boring. Boring. Boring. God, it's boring. Bland puzzle design, RPG tiered loot, stat based combat. The whole AAA works.

The story, graphics and setting can only do so much to ignore the fact that the combat is worst.

It's easy to say this game is bad but it hurts because represents everything I didn't like about Sony's first party output since 2012