i will never play these i am not sorry

there is a number of games/series that are very beloved by a great number of people and get recommended frequently (to me and in general in the communities i'm in), but for various reasons (see notes) i will not play them myself

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
something in me screams at the thought that this game is most known for 2B’s ass and i feel that the player base mostly consists of people i am not comfortable with politically soooo this is not my jam and i choose other games to pay attention to instead. maybe i am wrong in what i know but the interest has been quenched and will likely never get resurrected
The Yakuza Remastered Collection
The Yakuza Remastered Collection
yakuza is absolutely amazing in terms of story and characters and layered narratives and delightfully balancing the tone of voice between criminal drama and unhinged comedy but 1) i don’t enjoy brawler-type action gameplay and 2) experiencing this much unchecked masculinity in so many ways as a firsthand player makes me feel… idk. very uncomfortable. i am suddenly very aware that i am female and thus excluded from certain worldviews or subjugated to a specific kind of attitudes (aka perceived in a special way) and it's not a feeling i like to actively seek. but i enjoy it a lot thru just watching other people play it! i prefer it that way. and also i'm platform caged so i just physically can't play it
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
using this as a wrap for all LoZ games. i honestly tried several Zelda games, and none has truly clicked with me. i don't knouuuu... i can enjoy it for a short while, but it does not capture me in such a way that some other games/series can. also no playable Zelda made me extremely salty when i first learned about the series, i want to be a gurl on my own adventurrrr ToT

also it seems to me that the majority of people who genuinely love Zelda are the ones who played it throughout childhood and it has kind of got ingrown into them, formed them in some way, OR those who played BoTW as adults and fell in love with it deeply. hmmmm
Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact
gacha is just not my jam. also i heard from a friend it can get very addicting and my life is already way too much consumed by games 0-0
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
1) i don’t really vibe with Vanillaware’s artstyle, though i appreciate it and use some things as references 2) i made a mistake of watching chunks of playrhroughs instead of diving in headfirst when i got it recommended and i feel like i know too much about the plot to enjoy the game at this point
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
using this as a wrap for all Souls games.

suffering is not my jam (and AAA in most cases isn’t too) :(


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