358 Reviews liked by asyoucum

Justin Roiland On Cusp Of Coming Up With Third Voice

People giving half a star without playing the game or getting mad at Roiland's humor, oh yes typical gamers community.
If you don't like the game after watching the trailer, don't play it and avoid review bombing. You knew what you were going to play after all.
If you played it and then gave a proper negative review cause you didn't like it, I respect it.

What do I think about this game? I really enjoyed it. Never watched Rick and Morty, never cared about Roiland before, still gotta play Trover Saves The Universe and Accounting+. Am I gonna do it? Definitely.

The only thing I kinda disliked about this game is the shooting, it got quite boring after a while. Some jokes maybe are a bit forced, but I still enjoyed the humor all things considered.

look at all those real gamers giving 1/10

Y'all thought it was sooooo funny when Wheatley and Glados kept incessantly spouting punchlines from your gun in Portal 2, yeah?

Well look at the consequences of your actions.

The humor in this sure is controversial. I think it's just hit or miss. It misses more than it hits for me, too, but doesn't make me cringe or make me want to take to Twitter to post a hundred Tweets about how much I dislike the game's humor in those parts. I just kinda feel nothing when the jokes fall flat. It's nice when they do hit. I honestly think the biggest issue is just that characters talk too much and drag the jokes for longer than they should most of the time. Story is whatever, it's entertaining enough as an excuse plot, but if you play this for the story you're a goddamn fucking idiot.

Now gameplay. I really enjoyed it, it's a solid shooter. Its biggest issue being low enemy variety, but I enjoyed the shootouts a good bit. I really like the Pikmin gun a lot. The bosses are a highlight, they're fun, though the final boss felt like he was gonna melt my PC with all the bullet hell shit he pulled. Can be fairly hard too (on Bounty Hunter difficulty at least) but it's not too bad. Besides the shooting, there's some fun platforming and exploration, trying to reach hidden loot boxes and what not was the most fun part of this game easily. On that note, movement options are pretty fun though they could be a tad smoother. The thing is, you can do a lot of silly shit with your platforming to get to stuff in unintended ways, which is always really fun to me.

I wouldn't say this was a super amazing game (more of a 3.75 than a 4.0) but it was a nice change of pace for me. Just a solid 10-15 hours or so FPS where people constantly talk about alien cum or whatever. Not many games that just go all in on crass humor like this, so yeah... good change of pace.

Edit: GmanLives' review on Youtube kinda nailed it ngl.

its fun but that sure is an underaged girl in a bunny costume (also if you EVER say taiwan while streaming you get blacklisted by the devs, whoops!)

taiko but they sexualize the player characters and you get really uncomfortable when that happens

some of the greatest games (except Halo 4) ever made.

Halo 1 shows a tiny bit of age but the action hasnt aged at all. they re-use a level but they did it in a pretty cool way so I dont really mind. oh but the remastered graphics are shit, dont play it on that.

Halo 2 (this is where shit gets good) they took everything bad about halo 1 and made it 3x better. the multiplayer still holds up, even more variety than modern shooters which is kinda sad.

Halo 3 this is my personal favorite. the campaign is the shortest but the best. Theres a feeling that the whole universe's fate depends on the outcome in this story (in-game lmao) the multiplayer is the best in the series as well.

Halo 3 ODST (you might hate me for this but I never actually finished this one)

Halo Reach awooga, my third favorite story and my second favorite multiplayer. theres a lot to love here and a lot I fucking hate. the customization is the best in all the games but they made some really weird changes to the game. this is the series' introduction to sprint, I personally prefer Halo without sprint but its like a special ability so I dont entirely mind, however, there are two abilities I fucking hate. Armor Lock..... I fucking hate armor lock with a passion, it barely saves you, its really fucking annoying in multiplayer, it just delays the inevitable death that the user is going to have. and Jetpack, this one I dont hate as much as armor lock but this ability is so stupid to me, its fun to fly around, sure but it makes you such a big target with no cover, its so dumb and puts you at such a disadvantage.

Halo 4.... this was my first Halo game, back then it was amazing to me because my only experience with video games back then was watching my dad play and Lego games. the campaign really sucks but theres a few really memorable moments that stick out to me, the desert level with the giant behemoth still holds up to me, the pelican flight level is pretty good, not as good as Halo Reach's flight level but still pretty damn fun. This is also the series' introduction to cutscene bosses, bosses that are defeated with either a quicktime event (except its not even quick so its really just a button prompt) then Halo 5 has a cutscene boss in the form of Locke VS Chief, that fight contained some of the dumbest CQC in any media ive ever seen.

Halo 5 (not on the master-chief collection but you really arent missing much) Halo 5 has one of the worst campaigns ive ever played. the fact that you couldnt play it in local co-op is fucking disgusting, that was how I figured out "oh, this is gonna be a shit-show" the levels and story arent memorable at all, the game is called "halo gaurdians" and I cant even remember why. the visuals were a fucking mess, lens flares everywhere, lighting super overexposed, etc. Story fucking sucks, they think Chief's gone AWOL because.... I have no fucking clue, hes saved the galaxy like 4 times now. also Cortana is evil because.....? and its a really shitty twist with ZERO development in the game. thats just the story, the movement is abysmal. which moron decided Halo needed melee dashes, ground-pounding and parkour movement? if I wanna play Titanfall ill just go play Titanfall. the customization is varied... too varied, theres like 1000 armor pieces and most of them suck, the designs are just outright bad and you cant even earn them, its random chance lootbox bullshit. theres even a game-mode dedicated to lootbox bullshit, its like Big Team Heavies but all the guns/vehicles come from lootboxes.

Would be 5 stars if it didn't have halo 4

This game is actually hazardous to your health. The limited edition items shipped with black mold. Look it up. It actively works to kill you before you even play the game. Still buggy and awful 4 years later. West Virginia deserves better representation in gaming than this. Don't let the Fallout TV show gaslight you into playing it.

this is what happens when you let furries make video games

it fucking rules when you kill chandler bing

I feel obligated to say i hate this game