loved loved LOVED swinging around new york again, but would've liked more time to stretch between major story beats & a better balance between our spider-men. it was not fun being locked out of Miles' missions for so long that I'd get tired of Peter and try to rush thru plot missions...

makes brain go brrrrrrrrr in the best way! would love for a bit more freedom in placement and for there to be more routes/people to unpack someday

i never thought tetris could make me cry (good) yet here i am

can't believe ND's best characterization and storyline for the Jak series came from this random racing game with the worst drift i've ever beheld. had fun doing the plot races, wish the car's handling was more consistent, and hated the orb grind so much i gave up on it for 4 years lol

my favorite of all the post-ND crash games because it does such a good job of establishing its own identity while staying as silly and weird as crash should be. like, the entire soundtrack of this game was done by acapella! and it fits perfectly!! who could've thunk it?

the half-star represents the half hour of my life that this game stole from me

pretty much lives up to the decade-long hype, which is p damn tough these days. would've liked the romances to be longer and more intertwined with the plot like ME1's was bc i feel like i only got to choose flirty options like 3 times :/

other than that, very little complaints!

imagine paying almost 300 dollars for the fancy edition of a game you waited nearly a decade for, just for them to kill off your favorite character halfway thru for the most infuriating, half-assed reason. I M A G I N E.

1 star is for amara's gameplay being sick as hell and the other is for the gun that shoots guns.

i don't have most of the complaints as the popular narrative does bc i didn't play the og and don't care to, but this 1000% could've been better with like, ONE more area/puzzle set/character/plot thread--anything! but I still loved kicking ass with jill & carlos :)

the awkward origin of the series i have no business liking more than most people. nelo angelo's theme song gets it own half star. but i definitely don't like those water levels either lol

looks beautiful, compelling plot, and plays like few others, which is probably why I got trapped in a chase sequence and fell to my death more than enough times to put this one down for good :///