having now finished this game, i can safely say it is the dumbest piece of shit i have ever played masquerading as an extremely deep game. in spite of all the gameplay improvements and somniums actually being somewhat good compared to the predecessor, this game totally fucked me off from the plot after incredibly dumb plot twist after incredibly dumb plot twist. characters in this game all behave in the most nonsensical and idiotic ways possible, and so many of the "reveals" are things that should and would have come up in natural conversations. i absolutely abhor the "you didn't ask" excuse for big reveals. the only positive i can say about the story is that i went apeshit on social media multiple times from seeing the depths of depravity that game's writing goes. have i mentioned that two separate 20+ year old men in this game fall in love with high school girls and the game treats this as normal and acceptable? truly insipid and vile shit here, it must be said. i would rank some of the plot twists here as worse than the Big Reveal in ZTD because at least that game was mercifully short.

uchikoshi, you are a hack who thinks men being sex pests and pedophiles is endearing. please stop trying to outdo ever17. you never will.

edit: to everyone getting mad at the internet stranger who dislikes a game that they (presumably) like, i recommend streaming "platonic planet" by KOTO. good stuff there it will likely help you calm down.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2022


1 year ago

So you hated the 1st game, but still decided to buy the sequel for full price? lol ok

1 year ago

The Somnium games never came off to me as even vaguely involving relationships too much so this is kinda surprising.
As if he didn't already outdo E17 with R11
This is one of the most mean spirited reviews l have read on here. And you didn't even like the first game? grow up
look at this dude's other reviews, a lot of them are like this lol

1 year ago

lmao cope
Oh wow Reyn you are right lol

1 year ago

Funny how this guy's bio says: Don't be mean/Be nice.
yeah pretty ironic

1 year ago

uh oh gamers the "video games have feelings and need to be defended" crew has arrived i fear
I typically don't like to get into arguments on this website and just post my reviews and lurk for the most part, but like...Why would you bother playing the sequel to a game you already hated? Also you say you 'absolutely abhor the you didn't ask excuse for big reveals' but have VLR rated as a 5/5 and that game is the epitome of that with some of its twists, oh and lets not forget Sigma's constant sex jokes and horniness as well, yet you complain about Date? Just seems kind of hypocritical and while video games might not have feelings, the developers, writers etc certainly and while I'm sure they'll never see your horrible review because it is just on Backloggd, I still understand where people come from saying how mean spirited it is despite you saying 'be nice' in your bio. Because what you typed here is anything but nice and I'm sure if someone saw their art talked about like this they would feel pretty sad.

1 year ago

"I typically don't like to get into arguments on this website" well what are you doing right now then

1 year ago

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1 year ago

your tone seems very pointed right now

1 year ago

they probably thought the sequel would improve on it. no reason to fault someone for playing the sequel of a game they hated initially.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

i don't have a nice way to ask you this: you are commenting on a stranger's review then mocking them when they give blase responses to an unrequested opinion of them from you. do you know how incredibly silly you look right now?

1 year ago

Not as silly as the man who steps on a board twice and doesn't expect it to hit him a second time.

1 year ago

ohhhh ok
I've been on this site for over a year and have gotten into a total of 3 arguments, this being one of them, thank you. So me saying 'I typically don't get into arguments on this website' is still true. Also nice move just completely ignoring everything else I said in that comment because clearly you have no excuses. Also if you don't want people's opinions why leave the option to comment on your reviews open?

1 year ago

"I've been on this site for over a year and have gotten into a total of 3 arguments, this being one of them" so what you're saying is that i'm cute and important to you
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1 year ago

can we listen to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rdyrrcBCAY and kiss please