Recommendations from friends...

Games that friends recommended to me with varying degrees of success. Some are genuine recs, others are games they often play and i wanted to be included for online hangouts lol!

Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight
this game became a bit of a guilty pleasure for me through university honestly. have much more i can write about this but leaving it for another night.
Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2
i took the chance on this game once it became free to play but im not much of an fps person so it took some getting into. its definitely something. occasionally overwhelming to my sensibilities but as long as im playing with friends i can have fun. blizzard is a shitty company ofc but (coming from a former art student) i have appreciation for the work that goes into the characters of the game, and can see why theyre so loved. i just wish their lore got straightened out properly and were in a different game or even animated series.
very cool! theres tons of fun customisations you can make to your characters such as skills, weapons and general appearance but it is also a major time sink! have yet to continue through a bulk of the story but put it on hold while clearing through other games...(i have too many games)
Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact
ough..theres so much going on in this game it makes me feel old. started sometime in jan 2024 it felt like a major slog before i was able to unlock the ability to play alongside my friends who now help me w everything. perhaps it may be that i struggled to focus on its story and characters while coming to grips with all the elements the game offers (including the gacha). also my ps4 is painful at downloading resources/ new updates for this game but i know thats a ps4 internet thing and not the game's fault (apart from being too big). i am working through the inazuma quest as of writing this and ive not become MAJORLY obsessed with any characters yet but maybe thats bc again i dont know their stories too well. the open world is fantastic but its so big and has so much to look for within, it can be a little overwhelming for me personally.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
yet to play!
Golden Sun
Golden Sun
yet to play!
i see why ppl love it and have had fun playing it w friends i can just not get as insane as everyone else about it... looks down in shame


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