While not the most mechanically deep, or strategically challenging Fire Emblem entry, Fire Emblem: Three Houses is an incredible narratively driven game with such an incredible focus on character that it leaves an impression more so than almost any other game I have ever played. A must play strategy game.


So I reviewed this back in 2020 after I finished it for the first time, it was my first jrpg. I loved it at the time and I won’t deny I still have fond feelings for it but as I’ve ‘broadened my horizons’ I’ve definitely taken a step back from where I was before with this game 😭

The old review here said some shit like “10/10 probably the best game of all time” like holy meat riding it’s alright but it’s not even the best in the series 😭

Anyw updated review considering it’s lackluster story and the majority of the cast lowk being fucking annoying I’d give this game a solid 4/5