I picked up this game thinking it would be similar to the other persona dancing titles, light on story, high on fun and good music.

And, this game has all that in spades. Arguably more so than the games that follow it. The gameplay is fun, the remixes are genuine improvements over the originals, which is something I feel 3 and 5 (especially 5) dancing lacked.

But, to my surprise, this game ALSO has a very in depth and genuinely compelling story mode ❓ Yeah, persona 4 DANCING has a campaign. It’s pretty meaty too, it took me about 20 hours to finish it all.

As for the stuff I didn’t care so much for, only one thing really comes to mind. The story mode is permanently locked at “normal” or “easy” difficulty, and you’re unable to adjust the note speed or modify the difficulty in any way. I’m sure newcomers to this genre wouldn’t mind, and maybe if I did the story mode first I also wouldn’t have minded as much. But the whiplash going from hard difficulty with max note speed to snail’s pace tracks on normal made it difficult to enjoy the gameplay, to be honest. Furthermore, being that I played the PS4 version I found the timing windows on the notes to be difficult to adjust to. I suspect this is because the game was originally on vita, so the increase in resolution distorted them slightly. Either way, these are minor problems in the grand scheme of things.

As far as persona spin-offs go, this trumps 3 and 5 dancing easily, but I think it has much less to offer than something like Persona 5 Strikers or the Persona Q duology. Even so, it’s a great standalone game and was much better than I expected. The gameplay is exciting and highly replayable, the campaign is engaging and even has some of the mystery elements that made the original game so great. I (surprisingly) would highly recommend this game to any fans of Persona 4. 3.5/5

Very solid game.

This was my first souls game so I don’t have anything to really base this on, but the lore, world building, and gameplay were simply incredible in this game. Definitely recommend and I’m looking forward to trying out some other fromsoft games.

For all of it's missteps and absent mechanics / content, Persona 5: Strikers has some truly amazing character development and growth, as well as a very interesting narrative. For as often as it stumbles, it soars just as high (and in some cases higher) than it's predecessor. While not for everyone, Persona 5: Strikers is a game I very much enjoyed.

10/10 Wow. After playing Danganronpa 1 and 2 I actually thought they couldn’t top themselves, especially after hearing how polarizing this game was to most of the community. But somehow, some way, this game makes 1 and 2 look bad by comparison. It’s actually that good.

For a long time, Persona 5 has been my favorite game of all time. I honestly didn’t think it was possible for any game to take that spot, but Danganronpa V3 absolutely has. There has never been a game in this series, or in gaming in general where I have cared about the characters as much as I did in this game. The story is amazing, the cases are amazing, and the characters are phenomenal. While the ending is a point of contention for most people, I don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be. In fact, I think the ending is incredible.

There’s a lot of fucking shit wrong with this game dude 😭. There were like 5 or 6 times I wanted to close the game and give it a 0/5 not even exaggerating. But as a complete package, as much as I actually hate myself for feeling this way it’s pretty damn good 😭 Story is compelling, characters are great, and the OST is also. The negatives are pretty big tho, some really weird stuff (not gonna list it here but if you know you know ☠️) and the gameplay is kinda clunky. But as a whole, I genuinely enjoyed this game way more than I thought i would. 2.5/5.

Game is an absolute 10/10, any flaws it has don’t even matter in the grand scheme of things because the experience as a whole is perfect.

The ending itself is gonna stick with me for a while I can tell, the message is very special and more than most games I’ve played it’s taught me something important about life.

Anyways yeah final thoughts, unforgettable experience and one of my top 3 games of all time. 10/10.


So I reviewed this back in 2020 after I finished it for the first time, it was my first jrpg. I loved it at the time and I won’t deny I still have fond feelings for it but as I’ve ‘broadened my horizons’ I’ve definitely taken a step back from where I was before with this game 😭

The old review here said some shit like “10/10 probably the best game of all time” like holy meat riding it’s alright but it’s not even the best in the series 😭

Anyw updated review considering it’s lackluster story and the majority of the cast lowk being fucking annoying I’d give this game a solid 4/5

While not the most mechanically deep, or strategically challenging Fire Emblem entry, Fire Emblem: Three Houses is an incredible narratively driven game with such an incredible focus on character that it leaves an impression more so than almost any other game I have ever played. A must play strategy game.

While adding quite a lot of content, and being mostly worse off for it, Catherine: Full Body still manages to pull off an incredible narrative and gameplay experience that cannot be found anywhere else.

Senator Armstrong got married to Hatsune Miku. 10/10 would play again

Literally the most disappointing game I have ever played. IDK what I was expecting, but bro taking pictures of wild fucking animals in a static cart with little to no variety sucks! Who would've guessed! At least I got my money back.

HOLY SHIT PEAAAAAAAAK. Bro this was free on Ps+ and I could tell I would enjoy it by seeing the cover art but it surpassed my expectations on top of that 😭. I’m not gonna go too in depth bc it’s a short and sweet experience but definitely try this one, very slept on.

I should preface this by saying I haven’t played Uncharted 2 onwards yet. I really enjoyed this game though! I love how arcadey it feels and how it truly is a product of its time with the parkour and shooting levels and simple story. Really great time can’t wait to play the rest of the series!


tbh I really don’t like writing reviews prolly cause I’m bad at it but like this game is peak and kino and 10/10 and probably maybe changed my life I think would reccomend