Steam Next Fest June 2023

Thoughts on the demos. I think it's important to note that I quite liked them all, but I focused here on my criticisms of the game and what I'd like to see tweaked in order for the final product to be the best it could. A note to developers making controller-focused games: please, for the love of god, include support for Playstation controllers. I am begging you

not on idgb:
Take Me To The Dungeon!! (would be #7)

Sea of Stars
Sea of Stars
i desperately wanted to like this more than i did; hopefully it'll be fixed in the full release, i only really had a couple issues with this.

the colors felt too muted, or perhaps like there wasn't enough contrast? the art is great, but it's so close to being amazing that it's a bit frustrating.

the traversal idea is neat and mostly utilized well, but it can feel a bit stilted and take you out of the flow of the game.

and finally, and most importantly, it's too easy to lose a lot of progress if you aren't careful. admittedly, that's a mistake you probably only make a couple times a playthrough max, but it really put a damper on my enthusiasm losing the first 20-30ish minutes of meaningful progress because i wasn't constantly using the campfire and saving. still, overall solid and i don't think a demo that serves as a small slice of story is a good way to judge what the game will be like on release
Little Kitty, Big City
Little Kitty, Big City
full of charm, the biggest issue with this is just that controlling the cat doesn't quite feel right; the wall jumping here is a major offender, but it's also.. difficult to put my finger on, but something about normal vertical jumps. probably that the height you can jump is too short, and you can't climb vertical surfaces at all. the speed is also less than ideal; the default pace is a bit too leisurely, while the sprinting speed, while appropriate, is just too fast as the only other option. if the default speed were somewhere in the middle and the default speed were more reserved for sneaking, i think that would go a long way toward fixing this
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood
one of the most promising demos so far, i'm thoroughly invested in trying the full release when it comes out. the only knock i really have against it is that i feel, in my bones, like i wouldn't get anywhere near the full experience out of this playing alone. feels like something that would be an incredible coop play, but i wish i could feel that enthusiasm for playing it alone
ended up much more enjoyable than i expected. sleeper hit so far for me
extremely satisfying schmovement, makes me wish i was better at video games. if you're looking for a run n gun look no further
El Paso, Elsewhere
El Paso, Elsewhere
im pretty sure this is max payne? but with vampires and hyperpop
Home Safety Hotline
Home Safety Hotline
it's cool but doesn't have much content. worth keeping an eye on
Wizard With a Gun
Wizard With a Gun
that sure did exist! generic ass roguelite with a misleading title; there are guns, and technically wizards, but the wizards don't do much of anything wizardy. easy skip unless you're REALLY into roguelites
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
concept is cool: a slay the spire-like that uses dice instead of cards, but the demo didn't really hook me. still, i'll definitely be trying the full game when it comes out
Lil' Guardsman
Lil' Guardsman
an interesting take on the papers please formula, foiled by insufferable 'millenial humor' writing. probably very good if you enjoy that kind of stuff
Hammerwatch II
Hammerwatch II
solid torchlight-like. could explain its mechanics a bit more, but otherwise nothing to complain about other than the fact that it's uninspired. still, it's very competent, and i'm sure the full game will be enjoyable. also probably better with coop; i played alone, so that probably impacted my enjoyment, and i didn't discover the skill upgrade mechanic until very late in my playthrough as well. might give it a shot with some friends when it releases to see how much it's improved
Vampire Hunters
Vampire Hunters
enjoyable shooter that does what i want it to well enough - have my screen full of an obscene amounts of guns, of which i can track the mechanics of maybe 3 at a time. i do wish it explained the non-weapon upgrades you can get, but i assume that will be present in the game at launch.

some of the roguelite mechanics are kind of unnecessary in my opinion; unlocking more starting builds by playing the game and using the 'currency' on that isn't off-putting, but the metaprogression of stats feels like it's there to artificially extend playtime, especially for less skilled players. i suppose as a sort of customizable difficulty system that rewards you for playing the game it works, but idk; there's been a glut of roguelites lately even when it doesnt add much to the basic formula of the game. still, fun and shows a lot of promise
Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery
Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery
i do like this demo quite a bit, it seems like it's the first chapter of the full game. apparently this is actually a sequel a surprisingly popular gacha game, and also a remake of a doujin title from before that gacha game, which is kind of fascinating and also indicates that we can expect 10 chapters. given how long this demo is, and the amount of mechanics already present, it'll be incredibly long, and while i have definitely enjoyed myself with it, i don't think it could sustain my attention if it were much longer. still pretty cool, and definitely worth at least playing the demo if tactics games are your thing!!
En Garde!: Student Project
En Garde!: Student Project
this one is a bit harder to judge; lack of non-xbox gamepad support and poor optimization and default settings mar an experience that i think would otherwise be much more enjoyable? hard to say. the core gameplay is nice but also feels like it'll get pretty repetitive over the course of the full game if it doesn't keep building on itself. still, it does an alright job of making you feel like you're fencing (princess bride style, not like you would in real life). probably the only one of the demos so far that didn't hook me enough to want to play the finished product
Islands of the Caliph
Islands of the Caliph
pretty cool dungeon crawler! im not a fan of the combat and there a few little creative decisions here and there i'm not a fan of, but i liked it a lot otherwise. i guess the biggest thing i'd wish for other than some combat tweaks is a way to play that's less keyboard reliant; controller support would be nice. i often play in a dark room, so action games that use the keyboard require me to turn on the backlight which hurts my eyes. that's mostly a me thing, though.
Cross Blitz
Cross Blitz
what can i say, i'm a sucker for a good deck builder and this seems like it'll have a lot of options when it launches
Verne: The Shape of Fantasy
Verne: The Shape of Fantasy
nice pixel art and atmosphere, but marred by ridiculous loading times, stilted animations, poor english translation, mismatch between voice acting and onscreen text, pretentious writing, puzzles that mismatch what's on screen or flat out tell you where to look for the answer, and clunky controls that lack playstation controller support. as much as i'd like to enjoy it and be able to overlook its issues, truly, and maybe i could if not for the poor writing and lack of ps controller support. it's a shame, there's a good game here somewhere but it's lacking polish in so many areas.
SlavicPunk: Oldtimer
SlavicPunk: Oldtimer
reminds me a lot of my impression of Shadowrun Returns from many years ago if it were an action game; from what i gather from my own and others' opinions, that's proably a bad thing. still, i think this is a game that just isn't for me in general, so it's hard to say what if anything is wrong with it. probably worth giving a try to see if it is your thing.

the art direction is good, at least

please, for the love of god, include non-xbox controller support in your games..


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