Being a Pokemon fan is pain, but at least my team was cool.
Also a huge step back from Arceus. If another microscopic Pokemon breezer past my shoulder to initiate a whole battle, I'm going to lose it. How is that better than random encounters?


I love cats but I also love actual gameplay

The story is terrible and goofily presented but the battles are great! The Somnium is annoying tho

Everyone hates this game as if God is forcing them to 100% it meanwhile I am having splishy splash fun

People hate that's it's so short...but if it was any longer, I'd be so bored of pressing two buttons

This started off Crazy Insane Good but it really fell off at the end

I don't mean to be contrarian, but I really hate puzzle-y Mario levels. This game loves those

Who's dumbass idea was it to make you actually have to walk in the golf game

Literally don't understand the hate. The coin system made me actually 100% Sonic 3 without losing my sanity and I learned that Sonic CD is the BEST classic Sonic

I hate BLUE SPHERE can the inventor of BLUE SPHERE see me in my office please

Grinding in the GBA version isn't that bad and you get so overpowered with unlockable forms that you can steam roll things. I thought it was decent time overall!

Way more interesting than the first one!

Lammy is so iconic we love her

They finally fixed the artstyle so now I will finally acknowledge that it's a great RPG