People are overrating that story but Fire Emblem having full 3D dungeons on 3DS blew my mind

This is the first time I've abandoned a game to never play again because it gave me a MIGRAINE :))))
Every stupid game these days comes with health epilepsy warning and yet I saw nothing in this game where you shine a bright light literally everywhere in dim visuals

PEAK 2D Mario WILL NOT accept other opinions

I don't like the ghost houses.... please..... let me just reach end of level.....

If you play this game you will instantly become Cool and have many Friends and people DMing you about how Cool and Popular you are

like top 5 nes games but i kinda don't want to 100% it ever lol

Guys I really didn't like this at first and never started Act 3. Replaying it as Rita and omg it's good now