Popular Games that I Don't Care About

Self explanatory list. None of these would get anything more than a 3 stars from me. I was gonna say "popular games that I hate" but that's a bit harsh haha

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The most satisfying parts of the game for me is the story stuff but there's barely any of it. Absolutely don't care much for the shrines or whatever they're called. At a certain point the magic of the open world wears off too. It can feel like such a hassle exploring the world, and you don't really get anything for it. I also don't care much for the equipment durability system.
Infinite was my first Bioshock game, I liked that one quite a bit despite its flaws. Trying this after Infinite felt so off to me. The gameplay is just worse in all aspects, especially the exploration. And the story was nothing to write home about IMO. Also, I absolutely hate the hacking minigame. Rapture is a cool place tho.
Doom Eternal
Doom Eternal
I feel like Eternal tried too hard to expand Doom 2016's gameplay, but at the same time, the things that it does only serves to complicate things without necessarily being more satisfying. It's harder but not necessarily more fun compared to Doom 2016, which annoys me.
The combat itself is meh, there's only one weapon that I enjoyed using (the bow), everything else is just not that fun. I do like the structure of the story, and how you're getting more of it no matter what as long you just keep playing, but the story and characters just don't click with me, nothing particularly memorable in the writing.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
I liked the combat system and I don't mind the game starting off slow in the first few hours. But man I just don't care at all for the story. Didn't really like any of the characters, am especially annoyed by the VO.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
I enjoyed the insane and silly story, and it does have some poignant things to say. But actually playing it is just a bore. The moment to moment gameplay doesn't really evolve past the first 1-2 hours. There's some good boss fights, and some of the set pieces are cool to look at, but I would much rather watch somebody else play it. It's a game with decent highs and low lows.
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider
I enjoyed the previous TR games but this reboot is just not it. The darker aesthetic and story is not exciting at all, and I don't care for how Lara is being portrayed here. Actual gameplay is just meh, the puzzles are fun but everything else is not. I also hate the torture/gore porn in many of the death/game over scenes. This pretty much turned me off from the rest of the reboot trilogy.
Super Castlevania IV
Super Castlevania IV
Played this after finishing Castlevania 1 and 3 in the remaster collection, and I didn't enjoy it. I do like that the level and encounter design isn't as annoying as the NES titles, but I think generally the levels aren't as fun to go through. The biggest thing for me is that the art direction is infinitely worse to me, despite the higher detailed graphics. And the soundtrack is nowhere near as memorable.

1 Comment

9 days ago

you hit the nail on the head with the doom eternal take. 2016's felt sm more concise

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