People are way too harsh on this game. I want to wrap it up in blankets and cradle it like a baby

It's fun but god is it difficult!

Aged like piss. But you've gotta appreciate it for what came after it!

Story mode is kind of underwhelming and I'm still sad that some of the best minigames from previous games weren't in this installment. DJ Yellow I miss you. But it's still a really fun game and I'll always love this series

Unfortunately I can't read or speak Japanese, so struggled on some of the minigames with voice based prompts, but still a really fun and charming game. I wish it had got a proper localisation!!

My childhood. Probably the first game I played where I thought "wow, I'm actually really good at this!" and still holds up all these years later

Combat is fun, the new mechanics are great and Bayonetta herself looks gorgeous. Meeting all the different alternate universe Bayos was a highlight. Loads of replay value.

Knocking off one star though because I felt the ending was kind of rushed. In true Bayonetta style, the story makes No fucking sense. But I enjoyed every second.


This is the perfect game to dip in and out of whenever you need a change of scenery from whatever long game you've got on the go. Worldbuilding is great and I had a lot of fun exploring and you get to be a cat!! And you can meow whenever you want! However I wish you had more freedom e.g. being able to jump wherever you want and not just where the game wants you to go.

A fantastic little puzzle game. Beautiful pixel art and fantastic voice cast. Lots to uncover and explore.
Would've liked it to be a little bit longer, just because I thought the ending was a bit sudden and left me with a few questions. But I enjoyed the story a lot. Reading the synopsis before I played the game it ticked all the boxes for what I want in a horror story

A really fun, good looking game. Big fan of the sprites and isometric view. Sure, the plot is absolutely batshit in parts, but what can you expect from a Persona game? And the emotional bits hit hard, especially the ending.

Really great and strong cast as well.

If I was going to compare this to other Persona games I'd say I didn't enjoy the method of summoning new Personas as much as how it's done in P3 onwards. I liked demon negotiation though, so I'm glad it was brought back for 5.

Difficulty wise, this was an easy game. I played on Normal mode and didn't get a single game over until the final boss (which gave me a lot of trouble). Not necessarily a complaint, just an observation.

Now onto Eternal Punishment!

Unfortunately I spoiled myself on the big plot twist but luckily that didn't lessen the impact for me. Atmosphere is just as important as the previous 2 games in the series and it unsettled me just as much, despite the "better" graphics taking away a lot of the ambiguity of the monster designs that made them so terrifying in the first place. Don't get me wrong, they're still terrifying.
Also Heather is a great protagonist and probably my favourite out of the first 3 games

It's like Ruby and Sapphire but better

shoulda never smoked that shit now I'm in the distortion world

The definitive way to play the first Metroid. Environments and sprites are vibrant and the extra stealth section at the end is a great addition